News of the Good Variety

In the process of my daily rummaging today, I came upon some of the biggest news a dork can stumble into.  Seems that Toho studios has announced some details about the next Godzilla movie.  This is very significant, because 2004 is the 50th anniversary of the original Godzilla.  All signs pointed to something huge for the release this year, and it seems that is exactly what we’re gonna get.  The title of the movie is Godzilla:  Final Wars.  The speculation is that this movie is going to include an insane number of monsters fighting it out, much in the fashion of 1968’s Destroy All Monsters.  I only hope this new one will be better than that.  The sad part of all this is that this is also likely to be the last Godzilla movie for a long, long time.  As many as ten years, perhaps.  This may not be such a bad thing, though I hate to hear it, because, even with one ten year break in there already (1974-1984), the movie currently running in theaters in Japan is #27 in the series.  With an average of slightly over one movie every two years, and a lot of not-so-great or downright shitty movies in there already, another “hibernation” is due.  One can only hope Final Wars will be allowed a US release.  I’d kill for that, I think.  Without that, it’s going to be much longer than the December 11th Japanese release date until I can watch it.  Of course, I’ll make up for that by watching it a bajillion times, so it’s ok.  I tell you what, though…  I’m just a big enough dork (and I know Will would be game for this, too) to see if we can’t go to Japan and see it the day it comes out.  Don’t think for a second that I wouldn’t consider that.  Granted, December is a long way off, but the gears may already be in motion.  And that’s all it takes.

Top 5 Best G-Movies
1.  Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah:  Giant Monsters’ All Out Attack (2001)
2.  Godzilla vs. Destoroyah (1995)
3.  Godzilla vs. Mothra (1992)
4.  Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla (1974)
5.  Ghidorah, the Three Headed Monster (1964)

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  “From Cradle to Enslave” by Cradle of Filth, “U” by Socialburn, and “One by One” by Hootie and the Blowfish

Despite all this Godzilla nonsense, I did get some actual fantasic news today.  I (finally) got a letter from Rebecca today, and I found out what I suspected was going to happen soon:  she’s engaged.  She said that on January 16th, her boyfriend popped the question.  She’s spent the last month and a half (hence why she didn’t write me in all that time) working out details and all that kind of thing.  They’ve even already settled on a date:  April 15, 2005.  I couldn’t possibly be more happy for her.  She got fucked over by a series of men before I met her, and to have seen her come all this way, and to this point, is just amazing.  To be honest, I don’t know much about Robert (her fiancee), aside from all the great things she says of him.  But as happy as he so obviously makes her, how could I possibly dislike the guy?  I know I won’t have to tell him how lucky he is when I make my way down there for the wedding next year (and mark my words, I would not miss that wedding for all the world).  Rebecca also wrote some really nice stuff about me, and how much she misses talking to me (it’s hard to believe it, but she and I haven’t actually talked in any form for two years now).  She even managed to make me slightly misty.  Observe: 
“I miss talking to you for hours at a time about nothing really.  But I know now with all the changes going on, that it just is not possible for me to do that anymore.  But that doesn’t mean I miss you any less.  I’m just glad that I found someone that can listen to me the way you do.  I guess you inspired the choices I made.  I think you always did.  That’s what makes you so special to me.”
Knowing that I affected someone like her at all just warms my heart.  To this day, she’s still the person I’ve been closest to; the only person I could ever feel comfortable telling every single thing.  Thinking about it, it’s funny, because most people who read this thing now, don’t have a damn clue who she even is.  Since she hasn’t been someone actively in my life for over two years, she doesn’t quite get written about as much as she once did.  There used to be a time when she was a part of everything I wrote.  For awhile, she was it.  And she’s still the only person who’s seen every side of me and not shoved away with all her might.  I guess what I’m rambling on about here is that this kind of joy couldn’t have possibly happened to someone more deserving than her.

I don’t really want to call a general halt to this thing just yet, but it’s later than late, and I don’t guess there’s much else to say now.  A dork’s brain can only do so much at 3:10 a.m.  Unless he’s trying to sleep.  I’m sure it’ll kick it into high imagination gear here in a little while when I lay down.  I don’t look forward to that…but that’s neither here nor there.  It’s a topic to be discussed at a later date, or just ignored altogether.  Time shall dictate.  Anywho…I depart.

“We came together…we will leave here one by one…let’s go on…and remember where we’ve been.”


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March 13, 2004

*random hit* *waves hello* Just a little thing though…They’ve even already settled on a date: April 15, 2004…do u mean 2005?? HUGS

March 19, 2004

yeah i don’t really remember hearing anything about her but that is awesome that she is getting married (on tax day, at that!) and is happy and has the decency to let you know that she misses you, i think that not enough people do that. but yeah thats really nice. have a good day 🙂

March 20, 2004

ryn: lol, good notes to wake up to in the morning. well then i guess that that is why my little whale died, perhaps b/c he didn’t have a name, and thus felt useless. now its all my fault..DAMN! to prevent this from happening again i now must name my dolphin that i made in my 12th grade ceramics class, and i have a ton of other animals figurines at home in my room but they don’t…

March 20, 2004

…matter so much, since i didn’t mold them and paint them w/ my bare hands…any suggestions?? oh and yes, DOWN W/ AIR TRAN!!!! 🙂

March 21, 2004

I remember reading about her a few times a way while back. That’s great that she’s so happy and even greater that you are so happy for her. You 2 seem like you’ll be life long friends. I didn’t know they were coming out with a new Godzilla…although I never saw it to begin with (don’t hurt me! lol). I’m sure it’ll be another blockbuster style movie.

And getting drunk on the Bastille Day is bad? heehee. I think everyone needs to drink for my birthday too. It’s in a month!!! Start drinking now while you are at it so it can be like the countdown to Christmas or something. heehee. Damn it to hell, that 3 am note thing again. Love yah,

April 10, 2004

hey, where are you?!? come back and write! happy easter 🙂

Yah! I want a birthday entry! heehee. Love, Me