Missing the Point Entirely

Ah, the friendly confines of home.  Though, to be honest, I’ve been back in town for about thirteen hours now.  It’s just that I’ve only been home for about an hour.  As anyone with half a brain could figure, I spent the whole rest of my day with Shera.  But I’ll get to that………first things fucking first here.

I have to say that Buckeye weekend wasn’t quite as much fun this year as it was last year.  The first two days were spent wandering around with my mom and my stepdad, just seeing the sights, because the rest of the crew wasn’t coming in until Friday night.  Thursday night, I spent most of the night on the phone with Shera (this will be a recurring theme).  Friday night, I talked to her when I could, in between going out to eat, then going to a bar to drink with my siblings.  Saturday, though, that was a day from hell.  The first beer was cracked open before we even left the hotel, sometime around 7:30 AM…..Eastern Time.  Yeah, that’s what I said.  We arrived at our chosen destination and set up shop sometime around 8:45 AM.  It kept raining off and on most of the day, which was a pain in the frickin’ ass.  I opened up my first beer at 10 AM (which, to me, was like 9 AM).  By the time 5 PM hit, I was already done drinking.  Roughly a dozen beers (and two stout Jager Bombs) later, I was seeing double and feeling like complete and utter shit.  It was so bad, that I spent an hour sitting on a bench outside a campus building talking to Shera just so I didn’t have to walk around for a while.  I knew I was going to be in for a long night……………which I was.  But I will say right now that I managed to keep it all down this year.  No, no…..none of that puking it up stuff for me this time.  Though, I must say, I’ve felt like complete and utter shit all day today.  My stomach still just hates me.  I ended up talking to Shera until well after midnight, then fought to keep everything down for a couple hours.  I managed to sneak in about two hours of sleep last night.  The flight back from Columbus was pretty rocky (just what my stomach needed, let me tell you).  Lots of clouds all over.  But I managed to sleep for a bit of it, which was nice.  We landed in Nashville at the same time we’d taken off in Columbus (the whole "Eastern time to Central time" thing).  Back at my mom’s house, Shera called me and told me she’d managed to get off work at 10 AM, a whole three hours early.  So thus the day began anew…….

By the way, Ohio State won the game 35-12 over Northern Illinois…….not that I cared.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "Hold Back the Day" by DevilDriver, "Diary of Jane" by Breaking Benjamin, and "Overburdened" by Disturbed

All the time I spent talking to Shera while I was gone was revealing for both of us.  Neither of us had anticipated missing the other quite so badly.  Every few hours, I got a call that led off with, "Come home now.  I don’t care how, just come home now."  And I wanted to.  I honestly think I would’ve rather spent the four days at home instead.  I had fun up there, but not as much as I could’ve had with her, I think.  But, on the good side, my absence gave her a chance to write some stuff out for me so she could give it to me.  And now, I shall grace you all with it.  I really enjoy reading it…

    I miss you!  I don’t mean that I miss you a little, I mean I miss you so much that it’s driving me crazy!  I’m sorry that this is a really bad letter.  Forgive me!  I hate your not being here.  You missed our day, Saturday.  We are always together on Satudays.  Where there’s you, there’s me.  I feel as if I’m missing my other half.  It’s like I’m naked.  Sorry….that sounded really gay.  Please don’t tell me that this letter sucks.  I know it does, but I just can’t have you tell me that.  I hope to talk to you very soon.
    I really do wish that I could give you all of me.  I have to let go of him [Augie] fully.  I’m sorry that I haven’t yet.  You deserve all of me and more.  You are too good for me and I feel so lucky that you give me the time of day.  I love to spend time with you.  I’m sorry that we met the way we did, but the situation gave me you and that is the best thing ever.  You deserve so much better than me.  Thank you for always being there for me.  I miss you so very much!  I fall in love with you more and more every day.  I’m sorry if that scares you.  I don’t mean to.  You are just an amazing person and I’m so lucky to have you.  Thanks for all you do for me.
Soon to be yours,

Such nice words.  I was just left in shock by them.  She also gave me a new picture of herself today.  In it, she’s talking to me on the phone (not to mention that she looks really hot in it).  So now I have that staring at me, too.  Not a bad thing at all.  We took two naps together today (she’d been awake since 3:30 AM, I since 4:30 AM, plus my jet lag and my angry stomach).  It was just a really nice day, overall.  I really, really, really like this one.  As if that wasn’t obvious by now.  ::sigh::  She gives me a new reason to like her more every single day.  And that’s saying something.

But I guess that’s about all I got.  I’m fucking exhausted.  I just wanted to get all that in here tonight.  Back to work tomorrow (fucking Labor Day………will I ever have another one off?  I’m starting to think not…..).


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