In the Right Direction

Amazing how the time just kind of skipped its way away from me in the midst of all this.  This is what happens when you spend every waking moment with, or on the phone with, someone.  And you think I’m exaggerating by saying that…..   Well, I guess I am.  Work time is spent working.  But other than that, it’s every waking moment.  Enough yammering, though….to the update!

A little over a week ago, Augie dumped Shera in a fit of anger because she and I were at the movies together (seeing Accepted, which was way fucking beyond terrible).  She got fed up with his constant accusations and just told him flat out that we were together.  I made him feel like shit for it the next day by saying I was only with her because she wanted someone to talk to about him.  This after he told me he wasn’t mad at me for hanging out with her…….which I followed by saying, "You probably should be, but whatever."  Every day at work for the rest of the week, Augie was attatched to Shera’s hip……or to mine, doing everything in his power to keep she and I from talking.  Of course, there wasn’t much he could do about after work.  We were in a groove of hanging out every other day, and, thus, growing more attatched to each other.

This past Friday, Augie went out of town for the weekend to visit his family back in Chicago.  This turned into hanging out with Shera every single day.  Saturday, we spent the whole day at her house (which meant I passed a test from her mom……I’ve visited the house more than once now).  Sunday, I picked her up after work and we went to lunch, then back to her house again (though all we did that day was sleep….quite literally, we just slept).  Monday was Shera’s first day of college, and she was desperate to come tell me about it after it was over (I was stuck at work putting in a 13.5 hour shift for reasons I’ll get to in a moment).  So we’re now pretty much unabashed about being seen together at work, which was always a no-no before.  Now it just doesn’t even matter.  I spent much of my night Monday sitting in my office talking to Shera on the phone………and getting paid for it.  Gotta love that.

After I got home, though, shit started hitting the fan at Shera’s house.  Her crazy, coked out aunt started yelling at Shera’s mom about some kind of stupid shit (the bitch was staying in their house….no, was leeching off of them…..and was just being horribly ungrateful…and downright mean-spirited).  This ended up in Shera leaving for the night.  Since it was damn near midnight, she went for the closest place she could think of…………………..which was Augie’s house.

Now, normally, this is the kind of thing that would’ve driven me insane all night long.  In fact, this exact kind of thing has done so before.  But something was different this time.  I didn’t feel threatened at all.  Nevermind that she was going to end up sleeping in the same bed as her ex-boyfriend that she still loves, who is sex-crazed (sex addicted would probably be more accurate) and desperately wants her back.  So those of you who know me at all would figure I’d be just angry, pissed off, worried and all that.  But I wasn’t.  Not much.  I was worried, yes.  But not about anything other than Shera’s frame of mind.  And it paid off this morning at about 9:15.  She called and left me a voicemail telling me how much she had missed me last night and how much she had missed calling to wake me up this morning (she’s become my human alarm clock………..even if she doesn’t have to be up early, she wakes up simply to call me and get me out of bed…………heart warming, no?), how she could only think of me the whole time she looked at him or listened to him……and how she wished it had been my arms around her as she tried to sleep.  So………yeah.  I feel like I’m winning the internal struggle for her heart.  By a wide margin.  It’s only a matter of time now, I think.  Like she said last night, "You’re going to end up making me fall completely in love with you if you keep this up," (this in reference to me making her smile and laugh while she drove to Augie’s house in tears).  It tells me she knows that that is exactly how things are going to go.  And, again, it just brings a smile to my face.  I want nothing more than for her to be happy.

Tonight, she asked me to come to her house after work because she wanted to see me quite badly (it’ll also be the last chance we would get to see each other until Sunday…..which I’ll get to).  She fed me dinner in exchange for help with Algebra homework.  And her mom said she thinks Shera and I would work really, really well together as a couple (which we still aren’t, at least officially…..though, you wouldn’t know it to watch us or listen to us).

So, in summation…………       This is all going quite well.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "Breath" by Breaking Benjamin, "Beg" by Evans Blue, and "Vermillion" by Slipknot (I hear this every single time Shera calls me)

Now then, the reason for me being gone until Sunday…….   This weekend is the Annual Buckeye Weekend.  In other words, Thursday morning, my mother, my stepdad, and myself are flying up to Columbus, OH, for a weekend of drunken stupor centered around the Ohio State game on Saturday.  So there’ll be drunken phone calls for everybody from me this weekend.  And I can’t wait, either.  I’ve been looking forward to this since last November, when I joined in the festivities for the first time.  Let the drinking commence!

I read Shera the bit at the end of my last entry about what we like about each other (the stuff at the very end), and she demanded I write it down for her.  It now adorns the front of one of her notebooks, and she reads it like, every day.  For some reason, she really likes that I can provide such specific examples of what it is that attracts me to her ("for some reason"……….yeah, gee, I wonder what that reason could be……moron).

I guess I should bring an abrupt halt to this sucker here and now.  I have one last long day of work ahead of me this week……………and besides, my human alarm clock will be calling me in about six hours.


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YAY!!! I really hope things work out. ~Pygmyrs