Frink Noise

I love to see when different things I love can come together and help me to create something beautiful.  Actually, if I’m going to be totally specific about it, it’s about three or five things coming together to help me create something beautiful.  For the past month and a half (thereabouts), I’ve been toying with a story idea I had (which I think I mentioned in here at some point) that would make a fantastic video game.  With my basic ideas in hand, the first thing I did was come up with a group of eight characters.  I had visuals of them in my head (as always), but no real way to bring them to life.  At first, I used the HeroMachine, which was an incredibly good start.  The pictures I came up with for each character were decent.  I sent ’em to Will, because, y’know, if they’re only good to me, what good are they really?  He seemed to like ’em okay, too.  But last night, I had what became the greatest idea ever.  Why not make them spring to life in 3D?  How did I manage this?  Why, with the Create a Soul feature of Soul Calibur III.  I’m not completely done yet (2 characters still unmade….1 or 2 still needing tweaked a little), but it gives me an even better idea of how great the designs are.  Now if I could just hurry up and start actually writing the whole story….then I’d be in bidness.

The NHL Playoffs have only been going on for about five days now, and I’m already going into hockey-shock.  It’s how I’ve spent entire nights, or, in the case of Saturday, entire days and nights.  Buffalo looks incredible, Carolina has been shockingly bad, the Rangers look like a pee-wee team, the Stars are choking fiercly, the Ducks and Flames are more evenly matched than I could’ve hoped, and Nashville is hanging by a thread (tonights game will tell if they’re hanging on, or just hanging).  And just think, this summer I also get the pleasure of watching the World Cup.  Hooray for being one of the fourteen United Statesians who cares!

And yes, I said United Statesians.  Anyone with a better idea?  "Americans" doesn’t work as a descriptive term for those of us living in the United States  It’s like we’re ignoring the rest of the "Americans."  Afterall, anyone living in this hemisphere is an American (you remember geography…North America, South America, Central America).  So when the President says, "My fellow Americans," he isn’t just talking to us in the US.  He’s also talking to millions of people who don’t give a shit what he’s saying……..(wait for it)………..(wait for it)…………..aside from those who don’t care inside the US.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "Remember the Name" by Fort Minor, "A Cross and a Girl Named Blessed" by Evans Blue, and "Mother" by Danzig

When I was driving home from work today, I somehow started thinking about loneliness (don’t ask me how I got on the subject, because, honestly, I don’t even remember…..just like I don’t remember how I started thinking about the "You wanna walk the snake" scene in Primary Colors…I haven’t watched that movie in months…anyway….).  More specifically, and back on subject after a short aside or two, I was thinking about how I don’t feel loneliness anymore.  It used to be one of those utterly crippling things.  Even going as far back as towards the end of high school, I would feel stinging loneliness at times.  Now?  Never.  I don’t really question why.  It makes me glad to not feel loneliness anymore.  And I don’t even know when I stopped.  Probably a gradual thing.  Either way, though, me feeling lonely always seemed contrary to everything I was because I’ve always held my time alone in such high regard.  I wouldn’t call it anti-social, because I’m a very social person at work.  I’ll talk to damn near anyone (if I like ’em, and they’re capable of intelligent conversation, of course).  I can’t really explain it I guess.  For some reason, I feel like I’m digging a hole with saying all this, and I can’t really get out of it.  To quote Moe Szyslak, "No, no.  Ya gotta dig up, stupid!"

Well, now that I’ve spent the last half hour perusing through all the Simpsons trivia on IMDB (y’see, I had to look up how to spell Szyslak, and thus it was that this distraction began), I shall wrap this thing early.  There was prolly more I was gonna say, but…well…be fucked if I can remember it.  So, uh, like…leave, or something.


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Hi, so, I don’t know if you’re still interested or even care anymore, but I’ve started posting my stories online again. Some of them you’ve already read, but there should be some newer pieces up eventually. I always enjoyed your comments. Anyway, if you want to read them, they are here: and normal updates are at ~PygmyRS

April 26, 2006

subract the weaponry and you could do the same on our wrestling game…and dont ratf*ck my colors…

April 26, 2006

Man, I used to make fun of Will for “making guys” all the time. Now I can do it to you, too, and for all the world to see. Haha! It’s not as funny here. There’s no inflection. We need a movie president – they’re always perfect. I nominate Michael Douglas in The American President. I’d listen to him. He doesn’t ramble about feces when he’s talking about fetuses to a pro-life rally. Go, Bush!