F’n 28 of F’n 36

At this point, I probably look like a crack addict.  I’m just about too scared to look in the mirror and see for myself.

Explanation:  Since 8:25 AM, Monday, July 31st, 2006 (that would be yesterday, duh) until 9:00 PM, Tuesday, August 1st (that would be today…duh again)………..I worked a total of 27.5 hours.  Yeah, that’s right.  Roughly, I worked 28 of 36 hours.  And spent five of the remaining eight hours sleeping.

I’m not complaining, mind you.  Oh, no.  Not one bit.  I mean, sure, I’m fucking exhausted, but I did this by my own choice.  Any and all extra hours were authorized for yesterday and today, so I merely exploited the system.  The reason for all this?  We had to get the store ready to be on TV.  Oh yeah….and not some dinky fucking show on some obscure digital cable channel that no one has ever heard of.  Oh no.  This is for fucking ABC.  The story for this goes all the way back to April when the tornado rolled through three counties.  A woman in Hendersonville, TN was severely injured during the collapse of her house.  She was using her own body to shield (and consequently save the lives of) her children.  The woman is in a wheelchair for the rest of her life now.  So now the family is getting a new house, courtesey of that annoying fucktard, Ty Pennington and his crew at Extreme Makeover:  Home Edition.

Oh.  My.  God.  I’ve never seen a group of adults act so riprickulous in my life.  All the department managers were fucking freaking out.  Not in the totally panicked, "Oh my God, I could get fired if it’s not right" kind of way, but more of a, "AHHHHHHH  I could be on TV!" kind of way.  Hilarious to me, really.  What this meant for me was that I had to show up today at six in the fucking morning.  After working a twelve and a half hour shift yesterday.  So, fifteen hours later….  time to get off work.  What a long ass day.  At least it wasn’t filled with hard work.  Mostly just a lot of fucking off.  Especially after all the managers (well, except for the two newest ones, who don’t give a fuck) vacated the premesis.  By the time the week is over, I’ll be looking at getting some overtime on my check…….which is nice.  Especially given that car insurance is due at the end of the month.  Score!

And, oh, by the way….  Can you tell I’m tired as fuck?  I tend to say "fuck" at lot more when I’m tired.  It’s a dead giveaway.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "Diary of Jane" by Breaking Benjamin, "Chasing You" by Nural, and "From Cradle to Enslave" by Cradle of Filth

This has been bothering me for weeks.  It’s one of those things only I would wonder about, too.  And I would love someone to really try to explain it to me.  KFC advertises boneless chicken wings.  But in the ads, they say the "wings" are made out of 100% breast meat.  What the fuck?  That is physically impossible……..unless the chicken is some kind of fucked up mutant.  Seriously…..how can you tell me something is a chicken wing if it’s made from breast meat?  The laws of possibility say it cannot be so.

And, yes, I am the Possible Police.

This past weekend, I spent somewhere between fifteen and twenty hours (quite literally, I swear to you) playing Skies of Arcadia Legends for the Gamecube.  I was on a mission to finish it.  That’s what happens when a good story with strong characters comes together.  The ending itself was kind of unfulfilling, but that tends to happen a lot with RPG’s, so I’m used to it by now.  Beating it caused me to start listing off the RPG’s I’ve beaten (16 at last count) and making different lists of which ones have the best whatever.  I’ll probably show off my nerdiness by putting the few lists in here at some point soon, complete with explanations.  And, no, it isn’t going to include games I haven’t finished (and I’ll list those off, too).

I came home with the two disc special edition DVD of Sin City tonight.  I look forward to watching the longer version of the movie, and lots of the extras.  They seem much cooler than a lot of the crap thrown on DVD’s anymore.

Will is gonna be home this weekend, and we’ve already decided we’re going to go see Clerks II while he’s here.  So that’ll be a third viewing.  I have no problem with this, of course.  I’ve also made the executive decision that he needs to come to Augie’s party with me.  It’s impossible not to have fun at one of these things.  Of course, even if he begs out…..my ass is fucking going.

There’s probably several other rambling points I wanted to make, but my head is just fucking shutting down on me.  Completely.  It’s like a TV station in the overnight hours used to be.  Just the colored bars and the shrill noise.  Not to mention my eyes being ready to close on me.  I think I might’ve earned a little bit of sleep tonight.  Just a little.  It’s okay, though…….no one gives a fuck if I’m late for work.  And if I know anything in this world, it’s that I’ll be late to work tomorrow.  Oh yeah.


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August 1, 2006

lol. chicken breast filled wings… it is an abomination! ~