Do You See What I See?

Well god damn.  Another month goes by, and here I am back  again.  I hate that it takes me so long to revist these old haunts anymore.  I mean, hell, I let the sixth anniversary of this fucker pass me by at the beginning of the month and didn’t even say anything about it (until just now!).  Truth of the matter is……contentment is a really fucking boring place.  I hate to say it that way, but it’s true.  The only semi-interesting things that happen to me anymore turn into non-events in the span of 24 hours.  As I wrote on my MySpace a few days ago, I’ve become so patient with seeing how things turn out that a lot of the shit that used to turn into distressed, pained entries in here are now just things that roll off my back once the end of said scenario happens.  My patience has benefitted me well, I must say.  Anyway… update life first……

The promotion with Comcast is going really well.  Being a Help Desk rep is awesome.  I’ve averaged like 8 calls a day over the past two weeks.  It’s really just kind of easy money…….which, as we all know, is right up my fucking alley.  I mean, sure, there are occasional headaches and big responsibilities, but it’s a job that earns you instant respect with the other people in the building, not to mention instant credibility with management.  The fact that I’ve worked there a mere (almost) five months is meaningless.  Since I’m on Help Desk, I obviously know everything (so the logic goes).  Not to mention the pride talking about it seems to bring my parents.  I think they’re happier about the whole thing than I am.  To them, it’s like, "Yes, my son just got promoted at Comcast after only a couple months on the job."  And I guess it’s kind of like that to me, too, but I see it more as something that saved my employment there instead of a point of pride.  I know I would’ve quite by now if I hadn’t snagged that gem of a spot.  I hated being a regular CAE too much to want to stick with it.  Customers don’t respect the regular CAE’s…..but damn do they have respect for Help Desk.  The point?  I really am enjoying work.

The moving thing appears to be on track for sometime about three weeks from now (give or take).  I’ll nail something down tomorrow when I call the apartment office.  I kinda need to ask for a couple of days off and need to know when to get my fucking cable and internet transferred.  That’s a bitch of a thing to get done for employees as I understand it.  And now that Shera’s been promoted to Assistant Manager at her job, she’s going to chip in more than she would’ve been able to before (though I’m not making her do much….just an extra hundred towards the rent).  She’s been kind of freaking out about the whole thing, mostly because she’s never really been out on her own before.  I keep trying to tell her she won’t be on her own because I’ll be there, but that seems to ring a bit hollow.  Oh well.  Her mission right now is to try and make Clint and I be "buddies," or at least be able to be comfortable around each other.  I’ve tried to explain to her that it’ll never happen, but, God bless her, she’s trying anyway.  No matter what, he’s always going to dislike and not trust me, and I’m always going to be jealous of him.  Nevermind that he owes me big (and will never know it) because I talked her out of breaking up with him one morning a few weeks back.  "Why?" you ask?  Well…it’s simple, really.  I knew it wasn’t what she really wanted.  As much as I want to be with her, I’d rather her be happy and have what she wants in life first.  And breaking up with him right now is not what she wants……even if she tries to claim it is.  I know her too well to fall for any lame excuses, y’know?  The thing that pisses me off, though, is how he’s starting to make snide remarks about her weight (between the anti-depressants that cause weight gain and some bad eating habits, Shera has put on some weight, there’s no getting around that).  She’s always had weight issues since I’ve known her, no matter how much or little she’s weighed.  And for him to say something to the effect of, "If you keep getting any bigger, I’m not going to love you anymore," well, that just makes me want to kick the ever-fucking shit out of him.  In a really bad way.  Doesn’t he see what I see?  The things that make her the most beautiful and gorgeous are not things that one can see on the outside…..they are her main personality traits.  Nevermind that I still think she’s incredibly physically beautiful.  It’s just that the outside has never compared to the inside with her.  And that’s saying a whole fucking lot.  He’s just such a goddamn fucking idiot sometimes, it makes me want to do very bad things to him.  But I won’t.  Because of her.

A breather for a moment now….

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "Confrontation" by Otep, "Lucy" by Dropping Daylight, and "Bleed It Out" by Linkin Park

Saw Spider-Man 3 the day of it’s release.  I think I’m the only person who really liked it.  Or so I keep hearing, anyway.  Will has put off going to see it because everyone besides me has been telling him it kind of sucks.  I personally liked it better than the second one, but that’s just me.  Of course, nothing will ever touch the glory that was the first movie.  That’s impossible.

I’ve thus far been mostly unimpressed with this season of The Shield.  The IAD investigation in to Mackey went away much too quickly.  The whole mess with Kavannaugh was handled very poorly.  A show that always knew exactly how to handle pacing has suddenly moved into lightspeed, and I don’t care for it.  Running off Kavannaugh after like two episodes was dumb.  Wasting Shane’s confession about Lem at the halfway point of the season was retarded.  That would’ve made a great cliffhanger for the season finale, I believe.  But, hey….we’ll see where it goes over the next couple weeks.

The season finale of Scrubs is something I don’t even want to talk about.  Where they seemed to take it at the very end made me absolutely sick.  Mostly because I predicted it and didn’t want it to go that way.

I guess that’s about all I’ve got.  The steam behind this whole thing just kinda ran out on me.  But, hey….the important thing is that I’m still coming around here after six plus years, right?  It’s what I think, anyway.  I’d promise to come around more often, but……well……..I’ve made that mistake before.  Instead, I’ll just see where the winds of……somethingorother…….take me.


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