De-stroyed Again

I really need to find a better way to get rid of cars.

Tonight marks the second time I’ve gotten rid of one by force……pretty extreme force.  Yeah, that’s right…had a car wreck on my way home from work tonight.  Considering that my entire passenger side door was completely caved in and my front passenger side tire was damn near horizontal…there’s no way I’m getting that car back (not that I’d want it, of course, but that isn’t the point).  So, like I said…  I really need to find a better way to get rid of cars.

And as much as I’d love to take credit for that joke, which I find remarkably funny, I didn’t come up with it.  That was the work of my dad, who made that crack as we walked back to his car when he came to pick me up from the scene tonight.  Hilarious.

And, to go ahead and give the obvious answer to the obvious question, yeah, I’m fine.  The fact that I’m sitting at my own desk at home should go a decent way towards proving that.  Naturally, I’m sore as a mother fucker, which I’m sure I’ll be feeling even more by the time I wake up tomorrow, but I only have a single scratch on me….and it’s a tiny, tiny one on my leg.  So, all in all, not bad at all.  Especially considering the accident itself.  Getting hit by a car doing a minimum of 50 MPH is never going to feel too good, especially when your own car is pretty much at a dead stop sitting sideways on a 70 MPH speed limit highway.  I’m also quite fortunate that it was my passenger side facing oncoming traffic instead of my driver’s side.  Otherwise I would be in a hospital bed right now, at best.  And I caught myself thinking it as the headlights approached and, pretty much instantly, smacked right into me.  Because at one point during my spin out (caused by my split-second need to swerve away from an SUV sitting halfway in the middle of the road….I’ll ‘splain in a minute), I was facing oncoming traffic, ever so briefly.  So it definitely could’ve been much worse.

And, yes, at one point I did catch myself thinking, "I wonder if someone’s trying to tell me something…."

So, here’s pretty much what happened…

I was cruising along on my way home from work, had driven barely a mile down Vietnam Veterans Blvd past the Rivergate Mall exit, when, suddenly, the car in front of me violently swerved from left lane to right lane.  Before I could even think, "What the fuck was that all about!?" I saw why they did it.  Having to react with the utmost swiftness, or else probably end up dead right there, I swerved to miss the white SUV sitting parked halfway in the left lane, halfway off the road.  Best I can remember, it didn’t have any lights on, whatsoever.  None.  So, essentially, it was invisible, because there aren’t exactly any streetlights in that area.  After my initial violent swerve,  I thought all was well for about a second, before I started swerving back and forth out of control, turning myself completely around at one point, before almost coming completely to rest right in the middle of the right lane.  With no chance to move, I was smacked directly in the passenger side door….an impact so hard that it turned my car 90 degrees (as in, I was facing the proper direction after impact).

First thought, "Well, I’m still alive."

After all the talking to EMT’s and cops, I finally got to leave to go home after about an hour or so.  Tomorrow gets to start the sure-to-be lengthy process of paperwork and all that fun whatnot involved with such a thing.  Not to mention starting the process of car hunting, too.  Which I’d really needed to start doing, like, months ago anyway.  Nothing like necessity to provoke motivation, eh?

Shit part is I haven’t even told my mother yet (she’s out of town, and sure to have been asleep by the time the whole thing even happened), so I get to do that tomorrow….because she so totally needs the extra stress.  Actually, the only people who have been informed (whether or not they all know yet is another issue, as voicemails were left for a couple) are my dad (and my stepmom, by extension, of course), Will, and Shera.  And that’s about it.  Everyone else can just wait ’til tomorrow.  I’m fuckin’ exhausted.

In fact….I’m going to bed.


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