But Not in Nottingham…

Ah, the series of ups and downs life can throw at your face.  These past few days have been a perfect illustration of this for me.  For proof….merely read forward….


It’s been a difficult task the past few days to try and remove the smile from my face.  Finally, after nearly two years of allowing myself and my potential to rot away in the purgatory of retail known in this world as "Sears," I’ve punched my ticket out.  Yes, ladies and germs, the job with Comcast has, indeed, come through (pending only the results of my drug test that I offered up a sample for Friday afternoon).  So, come January 3rd, I shall be leaving the Sears level of Hell as an employee for the last time.  Oh yeah.  There will also be a nice vacation of nearly a week before starting the new job’s training on January 8th.  More money, more benefits, more self-respect, just a winner all around on this one.  So, like I said, I’ve been quite pleased and happy.

In a trifle of an odd coincedence, I found out about it on Thursday, which was December 14th.  That would be the exact date of my college graduation four years ago.  It was such a small little thing that I didn’t even notice it until the next day.  Just one of those useless little facts that makes life weird sometimes.

And, of course, I wasted about 1.6 seconds before starting to spread the news around Sears.  The first to find out was the store manager.  He just happened to hear my hooting and rejoicing as he passed by my office.  I came out, he asked me what was going on, and I told him.  HA!  Then I just started telling anyone and everyone.  I haven’t been so thrilled about this part of my life in a very long time.  I’d like to say my mom and dad were the second and third people to find out, but they weren’t.  Shera was second….no, wait……actually, she was first, because I texted her the second I got off the phone (she was still in class after taking a final exam).  Then the store manager.  Then about five people who were standing around all at once.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "Breathe" by Kittie, "The Warmth" by Incubus, "Playing Your Song" by Hole, and "One by One" by Hootie and the Blowfish

But the smile on my face has been far from a permanent fixture…

Also on Thursday, Shera had to go have some tissue removed so it could be tested for cervical cancer.  For whatever reason, no one around her (aside from me, of course) could understand why it was that the "simple medical procedure" was bothering her so much.  No one bothered to think of the mental aspect of it, and how it dredged up too many bad memories for her…….things she never wants to think about, but manage to bubble to the surface every single day.  After it was over, I did my best to try and comfort her, and was barely successful by any stretch, at best.  She came to the mall and I spent my lunch break with her.  She has to go back this coming week so they can give her the results of the tests.  I can’t express how much I hope it’s good news.  If anyone deserves some, it’s definitely her.  She’s convinced that God just hates her, and I find it impossible to even argue anymore because there’s just nothing else that would explain all the bad things that keep happening to her.  Things she can’t control.  Things no one else can control, really.  Her oft fragile mental state could really use something good to help stabilize it, y’know?

I called my "best friend" yesterday to wish him a happy 27th.  With no answer, I had to leave a voicemail.  Here I sit now, about 30 hours later, and still I’ve heard nothing.  For all I know anymore, the guy is dead.  No words have been exchanged since a very brief text message exchange November 29th.  Up until last night, I was equally to blame, as I hadn’t tried to contact him either.  All I can assume is that there’s a reason for this…..just be goddamned if I know what it is (though I have ideas) because no one is telling me anything.  Oh fucking well, I guess.

It’s December 16th, and I’ve bought exactly one person’s Christmas present (that’d be 1 of 10, if you’re counting at home).  The problem is a complete and utter lack of ideas.  I haven’t a clue what to get anyone else.  It’s worse this year than it ever has been before.  It’s going to come down to me just talking myself into something for everyone.  And that never, ever goes well.  Ever.

I guess that’s about all I got.  My neck is killing me and I need to get to bed soon.  There’s a semi-early rising to be done tomorrow so that I may go and partake of the Titans vs. Jaguars game.  I have much fear of this game, much as I did the first time we played them at got our asses handed to us severely, to the tune of 37-7.  Tightly, tightly, tightly guarded optimism is the feeling for this one.  But, anywhohow…  Enough time wasting.  I go…

"…and sometimes ups……outnumber the downs……but not in Nottingham…"


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