An Unfinished Insinuation

I’ve been trying to kick the conversation out of my head all day, and I just can’t do it.  I’d say it has been torturing me and plaguing me……but it wasn’t that kind of conversation.  No, it was just one of those conversations that probably never should’ve been had.  Nevermind that it didn’t quite finish.  And, of course, the whole thing never would’ve happened at all if alcohol hadn’t been involved.  Naturally.

Ok, enough with the exposition.  I’m boring myself with it.  Now to spill…

Last night, Augie had another party at his house.  As usual, it was just all the guys from work, their girlfriends, and anyone else they felt the want to bring.  Mostly, though, it’s just us and the significant others.  Which, of course, means I’m the only one who rides into these things solo.  The last time there was a party at Augie’s house, he assigned me to keep a watch on his girlfriend, Shera, to see how she was behaving with other guys, this one other guy I didn’t even know, in particular.  That night was the first time I’d ever met her.  Since she’s the girlfriend of one of my good friends, I can only be nice to her.  It’s easy because we both have really sarcastic senses of humor, so we just make fun of each other all the time.  I’ve also been relationship counselor to Augie and Shera, both together and individually.  I guess it would go to say that they both trust me quite a lot.  Something like that.  Well, last night, I ended up keeping Shera company most of the evening.  She feels like the rest of the guys that were there don’t necessarily like her too much, but she knows she can talk to me.  So for literally just hours at a time, she and I are talking away about anything and everything, in between the other random stupidity that’s going on around us (like Justin and Steven shrink-wrapping Augie’s truck….that was hilarious).  Late into the night, as we’re both quite buzzed, even perhaps drunk, we (well, she really) started talking about how she’s overweight (she isn’t even close….at all).  Somehow, the conversation went from me telling her she’s nuts for thinking she’s overweight, to her saying she likes me because I’m really nice to her.  Then came the part that never should’ve come out.  She said something to the effect of, "Dave, if I wasn’t with Augustine……………..(really long pause)………………..well….I shouldn’t say that…."  Once I realized what she was about to say, I started shaking my head, "No, no, no."  Because she really shouldn’t have said that.  Then I had to promise I wouldn’t say anything to anyone about it (which I won’t…well….except for in here, obviously).  So, for the rest of last night, and for all of today, I’ve been in shock, I think, about the whole thing.

It just strikes me as so……..I don’t know.  I almost feel like I should’ve expected it.  So many times I’ve joked that there’s no way she’d leave him for me, even if I paid her.  And I know she wouldn’t.  She’s moved in with him now.  And he even said he wanted to marry her last night (he was drunk, but I know he meant it).  I guess I just feel like I have to watch myself around her.  Because she’s going to remember this all, too.  It’s funny…I always asked Augie how he gets himself into such exotic and varied kinds of trouble with women, and now……I might’ve found my own kind of trouble to get into.  Ah, the grandness of life…

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "Until the End" by Breaking Benjamin, "Land of Confusion" by Disturbed, and "Tension" by Nural

That’s really all I wanted to get out tonight.  There may have been other stuff built up throughout the week, but I really just can’t even remember any of it.  Like I said…..this has been running a hostile takeover of my mind all fucking day.  Maybe now it’ll leave me alone.  Maybe.


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