A Fitting End

So, it’s been about four months since last I wrote in here.  There are a multitude of reasons for that, some of which I’ll actually get into (no promises, though).  Truth be told, I just really don’t write much of anything anymore.  I spend too much time at work, for one.  But, excuses aside, I think it’s high time I made what is a very fitting last entry into this diary….considering where it all started.  If you go all the way back here, you can learn what I mean by this.  Since I don’t visit this place pretty much at all anymore, I figure it is fitting to end this diary off with the marriage of Will and Monica.

I mean, honestly, this whole thing began as a way of venting the hurt I felt from her, so, yeah, it seems fitting somehow to end it with her getting married to my best friend.  And I will state unequivocally that I could not be happier for them.  They are absolutely perfect for each other, so don’t mistake any of this as me continuing to whine.  Because I myself am happily in love as well (yeah, I’ll get to that).  I can’t even explain the honor I felt at being able to be one of only 5 invited guests to Will and Monica’s wedding.  Very humbling.  I consider the two of them my best friends, and then some.  He’s my brother.  Period.  When you’ve been so close to someone for 23 years, you can’t call them anything else.  So I am just so utterly pleased with how things have turned out.

As for how my own life is going these days, well, I’m also pretty damn pleased about that, too.  Since Halloween, I’ve been dating the ever so wonderful Heather.  We work together, and, here in about three months, we’ll be living together.  I love her so very much.  Everything just fits together so well.  She loves because of who and what I am, which is all I can ever ask for.  She doesn’t give me any shit that I don’t deserve.  She’d do pretty much anything for me.  It’s all I can ask for (I can’t stress that enough). 

So, yeah.  Life is pretty good right now.  It’s pretty much all been uphill since I purged Shera from my life (which I also can’t stress enough).  I don’t foresee it happening, but there is always a chance I may return here to continue to update my life and how shit is going.  But, for now…this is the end of The (Incomplete) History of I.

For the last time….


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April 4, 2008

Hello fellow Tennessean! This, I suppose, is my first and last visit to your page. I wish you the absolute best in all of your future endeavors.