A Dose of Professionalism Can’t Hurt

A work in progress my ass…

The last entry really was meant to be some kind of reboot, but obviously that just hasn’t happened.  What I can tell, though, is that I was going through something not grand at that point.  Because that entry ain’t me either.  So which person am I?  Well, that’s probably still up for debate.  How to sum it up?  How about this little anecdote…

At work (yeah, I’m still slinging computers, but I kind of like it now…go figure), I sit next to one of our many new people.  She’s a 20 year old with the mind and maturity of a 12 year old.  She lacks any sense of professionalism at all.  The job is like a joke to her.  She whines when the phone rings, she talks to customers about getting drunk, and, oh yeah, she so obviously likes me that it’s pathetic.  It’s like high school again, or something.  She’ll tell me she’s not talking to me anymore, then email me and ask why I’m not talking to her.  When I tell her it’s because she said she isn’t talking to me, she says I’m mean….rinse and repeat.  But anyway, back to my point.  She has zero sense of professionalism and it gets on my last nerve.  Then, a few days ago, I found myself sitting there watching everyone else on the team goof off while I was constantly getting phone calls (I got routed into a different calling queue…it was a good thing, as I had a great day).  Yet, all I wanted was a chance to goof off like everyone else.

If I’ve said it before, I’ve said it a million times…”I give up trying to figure this place out.”

Our schedules at work rather suck right now.  We’re scheduled to work 55 hours a week, with more than that likely (I worked 59 this past week).  What I don’t get is that there’s not really a need for it, because business hasn’t been as booming as expected.  My manager has admitted as much to me.    But why should I complain?  The money is gonna roll in.  So that’s a good thing.  I’m building up a pretty fucking nice nest egg, if  I do say so my damn self.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  Various pieces from the score of Godzilla vs. MegaGuirus, which I’m listening to now.

I found out last night that my older brother is talking about marriage…again.  This is to be the third time he’s done this in his relatively short life.  And coming from a guy who just isn’t really the settling type.  The problem is that he and his girlfriend are both the “love to party” type.  And did I mention that she has a little girl?  Maybe I’m missing something, but they don’t seem to be the most responsible, parental type of people.  But if they’re happy…fuck it.  Go for it, y’know?  I just don’t get a good feeling about it, I guess.  That’s all.

Y’know, it’s funny…  I think I just figured it out while sitting here staring off into space.  The reason my entries from the past year or so are mostly very negative is because the bad times were the only times (previously to tonight, I guess) that I felt compelled to write.  That’s probably one of the more obvious things I’ve ever written, but damned if ever actually noticed it before.  An idiot, I can be sometimes.

In closing this entry, may I just say that, God help you if you call into Dell to buy a computer and say, “Yeah, I just saw your commercial for $349…can you tell me a little more about that?”  I’ll scream if I hear it again (which I most certainly will…about 100 times before end of promo on Wednesday).

Until the next time…whenever the fuck that shall be.


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