A Beer Full of Fridge

You’ll have to excuse any lapses in spelling and/or grammar.  I’m kind of drunk right now.  So, y’know….   A little leeway is likely to be needed.  Of course, I think I’m about the only person alive that gives much of a shit about having all that stuff done properly, so no one else is likely to notice.  Whatever.  Meh.  And, hey!  I get to go to work in the morning.  Let’s hope I get done imbibing soon, then.

Something was said about me at work Thursday morning that I didn’t think I’d ever hear anyone ever say about me, and be completely serious about it.  See, we’ve been doing this really, really craptacular teamwork training course that tries to get us to work together, be accountable, stay positive, and make more money (seriously…..that’s one of the "core values"…..I’ve never known a company to just come out and say it so plainly like that…..it’s so refreshing, yet I find it utterly hilarious for some reason).  During the positive energy portion, Tammy (the manager who was teaching this stuff…..she’s also the unnamed manager from my last entry…why I didn’t name her, I dunno) tells everyone that they need to be more like me, because I’m the most positive worker she knows there.  She was smiling at me when she said it (and she provided examples of all the stuff I do for her and others….but mostly for her), but I just cracked up laughing.  She looked at me and said, "What?"  And I said, "I never thought I’d ever hear anyone ever say that about me.  Ever."  And, later, people came to me and said they agreed with her.  So that got me thinking….  What the fuck is wrong with me?!  No, I’m kidding.  What I actually thought was how different of a person I must be to have that said about me.  I never see anything about me that has changed.  I always wonder if I’m any different than I ever was before.  I mean, with some people, you can just see it.  It’s obvious.  I don’t feel like I’m so obviously different from the person I used to be.  Well….I take that back.  I think I’m much closer to the "college time" Dave than I have been in the past few years.  I mean, I know I’m different from how I was for the past two years or so….even Ray Charles could see that.  But I don’t count that.  I just don’t see myself as being much different from Dave, circa. 2002. 

And maybe that’s part of the problem.  Though, what the problem is, exactly, I dunno.  Just using that expression, I suppose.  Perhaps I mean that the reason I feel like I’m kind of just stuck waiting for something to happen is because I feel like I’m the same person now that I was four years ago, except older.  I don’t think this paragraph is even remotely making sense.  I think I’ll just shut it up now.

Now Playing in Dave’s Mental Jukebox:  "Sad Caper" by Hootie and the Blowfish, "From Cradle to Enslave" by Cradle of Filth, and "Diary of Jane" by Breaking Benjamin (New CD August 8!)

As I walked into the airport Friday night to pick up Will and Monica, I grew as angry as I’ve been in months.  It had nothing to do with them.  Oh, no.  It had everything to do with technology letting me down.  I knew I was going to be hella early, so I’d taken my Dell DJ with me so I could occupy my time with music.  Well, halfway between the parking lot and the terminal, it freezes.  Completely.  All it’s making is some kind of staticky noise.  None of the buttons work (oddly enough, it froze during "Welcome Home (Sanitarium)," which I thought was kind of appropriate to show off to them).  So there I was with a fucking $250 paper weight.  Later in the night, when I came back home around one in the AM, I decided I would just let it set down and have the battery run out in it.  Since it was still putting out sound, and the little power button was still lit up, it had to be expending energy.  Sure enough, Saturday night, it was dead.  I hooked it up to the charger, turned it on and……lo and behold……it worked just fine.  Which is lucky for the DJ, because otherwise it was going to end up being thrown on the ground and beaten with a hammer.  I truly thought it was just fucked beyond saving.  So I dodged that one………………for now.

(beer break………chug!  chug!  chug!  chug!)

I had two psychic moments today, both involving phone calls.  I predicted exactly what would be said in both of them.  It was quite eerie……..though, if I am to be honest, neither of them were likely "psychic."  No, they were much more likely easily predicted by behavior.  But, still…..since I predicted what would be said, I can say it was psychic.  Right?

This fall, there’s going to be a rather large number of games coming out that I wanna buy.  Actually, just the RPG’s would be enough for me.  Final Fantasy XII, would be one of course, but there’s also Rouge Galaxy, Tales of the Abyss, and Baten Kaitos Origins.  Yeah, I’m gonna be a pretty busy mother fucker when it comes to gaming this fall.  And I can’t wait.  There hasn’t been shit to play all summer.  Right now, I’m in the process of getting my hands on Grandia II since I’m told it’s frickin’ great.  Gotta keep occupied somehow.  Nevermind that I still need to finish Dragon Quest VIII, Final Fantasy X and X-2, and Grandia III.  Nope…..those things are all beside the point.

The mashed potato bowl things at KFC are fucking awesome.  I’ve eaten two of ’em in the past three days, and I’m already convinced they’re chemically enhanced to make you crave more of them.  Because I find myself wanting another right now.  They may replace ice cream as my favorite food if I’m not careful.

Friday at work , I was offered another job.  A chance to move laterally, as it were.  Except, with the move, I’d get to be full time and get a slight raise (40 hours a week at $9.00/hr).  For those two reasons alone, it is very, very tempting.  Problem is, the job is in Loss Prevention……..otherwise known as security.  It would be my job to stop shoplifters.  I told the LP manager straightaway that I’d be horrible for the job because I’m a pacifist and I’m pretty much phobic of confrontation.  He agreed I’m probably not right for the job, but said he offered it to me as kind of a reward for the good work I do.  Which has gotten me thinking this weekend…..why can’t I be rewarded for the work I do and stay in my current position?  I work a job where tons of money passes through my office.  I work a job that only I know how to do.  And I work a job that has been full-time for all three of the people who held it before me……….but not for me.  I get shit on.  I’m not going to lie.  Things are asked of me that none of the previous RTV people had to do.  And it’s asked of me because I know how to do it.  So why can’t I be rewarded for this?  Why should I have to take a job I don’t want just to get what I deserve?  I think I need to raise this with the store manager tomorrow.

And I think I need to go to bed now so I can sleep it off and actually try to be on time tomorrow.  Yeah….that might be a good idea.  Ya think?


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July 2, 2006

I’ve been tempted to try those potato bowl things from KFC just once because they look so good, but the last thing I want is to get hooked on them…