Out of my Hands..

Well, she already knew that I had feelings for her. She ended up making a joke saying “I’m just waiting for you to come out and say it..”

It didn’t go as bad as I thought it would. I thought it would ruin the friendship, and that we would never talk again. She even said she wanted things to stay the same between us.. and that made me somewhat happy. It wasn’t the outcome I wanted, but it’s better than nothing.


The problem now ( a few days later), is that her boyfriend is in town, spending time with her.. And she is 100% completely different. I knew we wouldn’t talk in a voice call, but I figured texts back and forth would have at least stayed the same. Nope. I’ll send her a text that says “Hope you slept well hun, I miss talking to you.” and all I get in response is like a 3-4 word reply after like 4 hours.  I think yesterday I sent her 3 texts, she sent one back. That alone makes me feel like she doesn’t want her boyfriend knowing how often we talk / how we talk? Idk. Maybe I’m reading too much into it.

I keep thinking “Just 8 more days until he goes home, and things will be back to normal.” But that’s the problem, MAYBE they go back to how we talked when he isn’t there.. but like a week after he goes home, she is moving in with him. So, I guess “things staying the same” was a stretch. I hate being in love sometimes.. Especially when the other person is taken.


I’ve been sleeping a lot more lately, just so I don’t have to think about the situation and put myself through hell.. but now my dreams are even affected. Two dreams in a row now that I have woken up and just been completely depressed because I realize that it was ONLY a dream. My feelings for her have got me so fucked up. In 35 years, I have NEVER felt like this.. and I thought I was in love before..


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August 22, 2021

If he would see those text there will be an argument, and he probably would want to confront you, she doesn’t need that. Try to only text her once, when she moves with him there may be limited contact.

August 29, 2021

I know you may hate this and it is easier said than done…but why don’t you just let her go.

You have told her how you felt and I honestly don’t think she gave a nice response. It was kinda like she was leading you on….telling you she wants to be friends but then kinda cutting you off and being distant.

I am sorry you are going through this.  Xoxo

August 30, 2021

@ncumisa Yeah, the time apart the last two weeks have opened my eyes. Obviously, if it was meant to be, then it would..

August 31, 2021

@cipher – Good for you!! This may sound cliche but loving yourself is the greatest love of all. Okay that is bs because I have yet to experience that. But hey at the end of the day the pain now is way better than being lead on and feeling it later when you have invested so much more.