You May Be Wrong…

…But you may be right.

That has no significant meaning other than the fact I like that song and it’s on my radio right now. Yay for random title.

So it’s been a hectic week. Sorry I haven’t been around much. I let my school work get behind with the holiday weekend…and I’m not pleased with the effects of that so it won’t be happening again.

I’m at work alone today…manning the fort….so that’s fun. I’m trying to read about 40 more pages in my textbook before the end of the day so I can get my homework done and I can relax a little tonight and tomorrow…we’ll see how that goes.

Saturday night Stephen’s sister is coming in. I’m super-excited because she’s so sweet and I really want to get to know her better.

Anyway, so I just accidentally submitted a paper that I wasn’t done with. I was posting it to the website so I could switch computers and then just get it off there to keep working on…but I went on auto-pilot and submitted it to the professor… I’m such a genius.

Other than that, not much to talk about. I’m sure I’ve had like a thousand things to write and just haven’t had the time…it happens. I’m just trying to get this homework done, clean my place, chill with Stephen’s sister, then do more homework Sunday.

Then I’m sitting here anxiously waiting Kim to come home…she gets back on Wednesday and I’m going to take a day off work so we can do fun stuff together and go to a baseball game.

She for-seriously needs to come home. I need some putt-putting and baseball and caching and ice cream and….KIM GET BACK HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

Although I’m getting ice cream tomorrow….but no one else really does much fun stuff other than Kim…Beth is sick….again….and Stephen is….a hermit. God love him, but he is. Plus, no one really enjoys the stuff Kim and I do.

Beth and I were supposed to go see Sex & The City tonight but she’s super-sick….so…yeah.

And this entry is kinda pointless so I’m going to go be productive.

Or eat lunch and watch TV….

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May 30, 2008

Have a great weekend!

May 30, 2008

Oh. My. God. You are so wrong. And I thought I didn’t want my battery-operated toothbrush before. I hadn’t even thought of that. I think I feel a little sick. My tooth brush. My poor, poor tooth brush. That’s just unholy.

May 30, 2008

haha have a great weekend, it sounds like you’ve got some fun plans!

May 30, 2008

I hope you have a great weekend! And that Kim gets back soon.

May 30, 2008

I hope all goes well with Stephen’s sister.

May 31, 2008

r- lol , well i usually send them to tim(o) first..haha but yes i do!

June 2, 2008

ryn: How exciting!! Congratulations to them. Let’s go party down with em. 🙂