Weekend Update

I did 4 miles running yesterday. Quite proud.

Then I went to Kim’s birthday party on the lake for a little bit. I left early because I had tickets to a play in Roanoke last night and didn’t find out about the party till I’d already bought the tickets. Kim’s was fun though, I wish I could have stayed long enough to go out on the boat. Oh well. 🙁

So then Stephen and I went to Roanoke to the play. The play was GREAT. Long…(3 hours) but great. We saw In To The Woods which is one of my favorites. The worst part was close to the end of the play I had a panic attack for NO reason. Like shaking so bad I could barely walk to the truck. I had to take a xanax as soon as we got me to water. It was awful. I wanted to cry. It sucks worse because I have NO idea what brought it on. I was just sitting there happy as can be enjoying my favorite play in the whole world and having a wonderful time with my boyfriend and….BAM. Panic.

Must discuss with Therapist.

Today I’ve got to get ready for classes tomorrow…and speaking of classes and grad school….here’s the result of my shopping over the last week or so at Ann Taylor Loft. (This is mainy for Jana and Kristen who I know are fellow ATL fans)

The rest of you can just approve it for teaching in high school wardrobe purposes.

Basically in the last week and a half I’ve spent…oh…close to $450 at ATL…and only paid around $300. YAY DISCOUNTS AND CUPONS!!!!!!!!! I justify this because I have to student teach in the spring…and own nothing but t-shirts and jeans…so we need to start building the wardrobe. Does anyone know if I save my recipts can I use this as a tax writeoff? I think I can…right?

So. Without further ado, here is the ATL shopping experience. (Anything I can’t find a picture of, I shall describe)

White skirt, white/offwhite/silver beading on bottom.

beaded floral border skirt


Pink sweater with white shirt underneath. ALL ONE PIECE. So fun.

short sleeve woven layer cardigan

Yes, Yes I totally bought a seersucker suit. This jacket with matching pants.

petite seersucker long sleeve jacket

Seriously, does this not just scream Jackie O???

petite boardwalk dobby jacket

And some cute striped pants

marisa boot leg artemis stripe pants

Some dark blue walking shorts

julie cotton twill walking shorts

I bought a suit this color…but not this style. It’s a pencil skirt and regular jacket but they don’t have it online, so here’s the color.

elbow sleeve crewneck cardigan

Then I got this CUTE gray/silver trench…or like…half trench? It comes to my knees. And I also got a white and pink striped shirt. Aaand…a few other things that I don’t remember but they are cute too. 🙂

Ok, off to clean and then go buy school supplies!!!!

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June 29, 2008

Unfortunately, you cannot write off these purchases mainly because you can use them outside of the workplace. It doesn’t matter if you DON’T wear them outside of work, only that you COULD. If it was a set uniform that they required you to purchase, you could take that off of your taxes, but that’s it. Cute clothes and it makes them cuter because they were on sale! Yay!

June 29, 2008

I love the pants! I’m sorry about your panic attack. But, good for you on the four miles!

June 29, 2008

So. Jealous. I need to print off my ATL coupons STAT and head downtown now… 🙂

June 29, 2008

ive had those random panic attacks before- quite scary and still no idea what brought them on except my counselor at the time suggested outside stress that i havent dealt with??

June 29, 2008

you can deduct 250$ for teaching supplies like books for the classroom and whatnot. But not sure what you would buy for HS.

June 30, 2008

Oooh! I need an ATL trip so that I can duplicate some of these. I desperately need more work type stuff.

June 30, 2008

Oooh clothing shopping! I have kicked my shopping addiction through being broke, but I will probably have a similar spree when I start teaching college, and will definitely use the same excuse you did haha. I’ve never shopped at ATL but will definitely check it out next time I’m shopping for new clothes! 🙂 And congrats on running FOUR miles!

June 30, 2008

ryn- im pretty sure older cat is vaccinated, she was declawed and all that so im sure they shot her up if she wasnt–both cats seem normal the little one is sneezing and sniffling big one is sneezing sometimes

July 3, 2008

RYN- Did you mean to leave me that note? Because it’s really random… I don’t even know who Jan Lancaster is o.O