Weddings, Babies, And Quitting

My Joseph is getting MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or rather "domestic partnered". But still. JOSEPH IS GETTING MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so UBER happy for him. *tear*

And my first crush/kiss/boyfriend/love/bestfriend is having a baby. (With his wife…but still…it’s his. You know.) So yeah….

Growing up EVERYONE thought we would be together and get married.

But he married her.

And she looks a little like me. Same hair, same eyes. She’s just a lot thinner. *bitch* Not really.

Ok, so she is kind of cold and quiet but whatever.

But they are having a baby. And I’m happy for them….

But it’s also kinda like "crap, is that where I would be right now?? Is that where I’m SUPPOSED to be?"

Speaking of places I am supposed to be. I checked my credit score today. It’s not as high as I want it to be, but hey, it’s not bad either. I think. I don’t know. I don’t know much about this stuff…but I checked it and got my credit report. I’m gonna go talk to a financial planner.

And apparently all those little ad’s you get in the mail from banks and credit card companies HURT your credit score…because they all check your history before sending you crap…so the more inquiries you have the more it hurts it I guess? So I tried to take myself off that list…I hope I did it right.

And last, but not least, I’m quitting my job.

Yes, yes, I know how upset you all are that there will no longer be fun stories from the world of repo, but you shall live. Honest.

I have to. I’ll be in school non-stop starting June 30th.


So yeah.

The good news is that business is SO slow right now, my boss was actually happy I had to quit, because he can’t afford to pay me!!! HA!!! I was so worried he’d be upset but it works out well for everyone.

I’m going to work when I can, just to help them out…but I won’t be here 9-5 anymore.

I’m SOOO excited about that.

Also, for the rest of the month I’m working only 4 days a week, or just some half-days so it cuts down on their expenses.

Can you believe a repo company has no business??? I mean…no one can afford FOOD, how are people affording to pay for their cars!?!?!

Anyway, that’s it for now. Gotta get my homework done.

YAY Marriage, Credit, and Jobless….and babies….kinda….I guess.

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June 2, 2008

im so glad I didnt get married…or have babies…but right now, I would not mind being married.

June 2, 2008

RYN: Running is fantastic. Now that the weather is in the 90s, I’ll be pushed back indoors it looks like. I much prefer running outside. An ex of mine is married, with multiple kids. It reminds me that I obviously made the right choice in parting ways, but still…

June 2, 2008

How did you request that you stop receiving that junk mail for credit card offers? I want to do that, it’s really annoying.

June 2, 2008

will you be able to make it, working less?

June 2, 2008

you’re so funny. your entries make my day, did you know that? well now you do. =]

June 2, 2008

Yeah, it is hard to believe that they’re not having business right now the way the economy is? It should make your summer better working less hours now.

June 2, 2008

Awesome for Joseph! (who’s Joseph…? should I know? Have you told us and I just don’t remember?) I agree with you. No one can afford FOOD… heck, people can’t afford GAS so how can they afford cars? weird.

June 2, 2008

Yeah, someone checking your credit drops your score double digits. About a year ago mine was checked multiple times and I never was able to find out who did it. Crazy how that works.

June 3, 2008

I sometimes finding myself wondering if this is where I’m supposed to be. How are they paying for their cars? Maybe they’re sacrificing feeding their pets or something. ooh..that’s sad.