Two More Days…

Of work left.

And I can’t freaking wait.

I am so excited about not working it’s insane.

At any rate, my trainer worked me over good. 4 miles *ish*. We ran 20 minutes, walked 3, ran another 20. That’s a…fun ratio. Then I did 3 circuts of crunches, calf raises, shin lifts, medicine ball twists, supermans, back crunches, and side bends.

And then I fell down.

And then I took a test and wrote a paper and went to work.

And then I went to Vacation Bible School.

And there a seven year old asked me where I went to school and when I said Virginia Tech she then asked me if I got shot.


Yeah….so that was interesting.

On to the positive.


1. I am more courteous than other people I know
2. I made it through my full 40 minutes of running 
3. I am able to keep my opinions and thoughts to myself when necessary
4. I am polite to others
5. I am good with children
6. I keep my car clean and neat.

7. I am very clean today (3 showers)

8. I show others that I appreciate them by mailing people cookies across the country

9. I (apparently) inspire others to work on their fitness

10. I work with many charities



Ok. Going to go….relax I think. 🙂


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June 25, 2008

You email people cookies!? I want some!!! 😉

June 25, 2008

3 showers! That is impressive! You are very, very clean! I can’t be arsed to shower more than twice or thrice a week, ha!

June 25, 2008

I got cookies mailed to me once in Argentina but unfortunately by the time they got to me they were more like cookie crumbs… It’s the thought that counts, right? 🙂 Four miles of running. That’s something to be proud of for sure. I won’t be hard-core enough to get a trainer like THAT for a long time now. Hopefully… haha

June 25, 2008

ryn HOW???

June 25, 2008

From the mouths of babes, right?

June 25, 2008

I didn’t get to talk because today and tomorrow I’m in training off and on all day. BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

June 25, 2008

We live in a sad world for a kid to ask that question. What are supermans?

June 26, 2008

RYN: OH!! duh. Not email…. “mail”! That’s what you’re talking about, right? whoooops…. I actually reread that right after posting, believe it or not, and still didn’t catch that mistake. Man, I wish you COULD email cookies. lol