Too Good To Be True?

I got in.


On a provisional basis. Because of my retarded undergrad senior year….I screwed my grades and I screwed them hard.

So as long as I get a 3.0 this semester and next I’m good.

But I’m in.

And I applied for a scholarship.



So yeah. Just gotta bust ass for a year. I’ll graduate in one year….with a masters in education and certifications in agriculture and biology. And a teaching license. And something saying I can be an extension agent  or do 4-H/FFA stuff.

So…guess I’m gonna uh…go to grad school.

And then vet school.

Some certain people who shall remain nameless are trying to discourage that idea. Seriously? I’m going. I WILL go. It might not be next year, or even the year after that. I might work for awhile…might work on a phD. I don’t know…but I WILL be applying.

So…grad school.

Then…a job….then maybe attempting to teach at the college level because I think I could only tolerate high school kids for about 3 years max….then….phD/Vet school….

But what matters is I got in.

I think.

I still don’t really believe it. Maybe when I’m registered for BOTH the summer classes I need session one then it’ll sink in.


I think I’m actually going to get my masters.

But I will not quit until I do have a doctorate of something. I WILL be Dr. _________.

Mark my words.


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May 2, 2008

Congratulations!! I’m so happy for you!

May 2, 2008

thats so wonderful!!

May 2, 2008

YAYYYY!!! *happydance*

May 2, 2008

congrats!!!!!! =D

May 2, 2008

Sounds like a plan! 🙂

May 2, 2008

Congratulations!! That’s awesome!

May 2, 2008

that’s great!

May 2, 2008

Of COURSE you’ll be Dr. Cinderella Peapod. We always knew THAT.

May 3, 2008

Well congratulations to you!

May 3, 2008


May 4, 2008

haha yes when I have my PhD I will make people call me Doctor. 🙂 You can do it, don’t let anyone talk you out of it if it’s what you want to do!

May 4, 2008

Congratulations! Sheeesh…I wish I had planned ahead the way you are doing.