The Joy Of Kittens

So…at first he wouldn’t come near me.

Then I tried to grab him.

Remember that pure evil thing???

In my hand. IN my HAND.

I will never again try to grab a kitten and force it to love me by snuggling it to death.

So…now I convinced him *sans grabbing and snuggling* to love me. And…now this love is breaking my computer. And apparently several other electronic devices in my house. He’d better pray he never gets near the CrackBerry, who by the way, is named Lucinda. And she’s a Pearl 8130.


Computer. He likes to walk across my laptop when I’m typing. Doesn’t matter if I have one hand on the computer and one hand rubbing his ears….he goes across anyway. And then back. And then back the other way. Over. And over. And OVER. He just walks across it and steps on keys and makes it open random pages.

And he chews cords.

And for some unexplained reason *glares in the direction of cats* my Tivo recorded a random show…101 Cars You Must Drive. And not the tivo suggested type of record. Recorded like I’d told it to record.

If you have a Tivo you hopefully get what I’m saying. Basically…SOMEONE pushed the buttons on the tivo remote to make it record this show. On a channel I never watch. And no one else has touched that remote.

So…yeah. Kitten.

Fun times.

His name is Fin.

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August 25, 2008

my cats went through a stage where they chewed my cords and I wanted to chew their asses…but I was nice and let them live.

August 25, 2008

Haha, cats sound fun.

August 25, 2008

FYI: its an 8130, not a 3130

August 26, 2008


August 26, 2008

Well..maybe the kitten is trying to give you a hint on a new “toy” for the form of a My cat likes to LAY on my open laptop keyboard if I leave it open and unattended. And she’s way bigger than your kitten. Ah cats.

August 26, 2008

Sounds like you’re having all sorts of fun!

August 26, 2008

This made me laugh so hard! Never ever force a kitty, by snuggling and huggling, to love you… 🙂 Aw, man… that’s hilarious. 101 Cars You Must Drive lmao

August 27, 2008

MY CAT DOES THE SAME THING! He likes to walk across the laptop keypad for some reason. I don’t get it. Same thing with newspapers. I think it’s just that if your attention is on something other than them they feel like they have to get in the way to MAKE you pay them more attention.

August 27, 2008

I think your cats are people in disguise. Seriously. Their higher intelligence is freaky sometimes. I’m a sucky reader. Hope everything is good 🙂