Straight Up Trippin

So…Kim and I were out for a fun day….and walking through a park not TOTALLY looking where I was going…I almost tripped over a homeless man.

Seriously. Kim apparently saw me going towards him and started to whisper "Nooooooooo" when I saw him. Obviously he was sleeping.

Incase you didn’t know…we do NOT live in the city and this is probably the second or third homeless person I’ve seen in our area ever. So yeah. I was not exactly expecting to stumble upon someone sleeping under a tree.

In other news…I miss sleeping. I haven’t gotten a full nights sleep in almost…what…2 months? I wake up every night at 3 or 5. It used to be 2am and 4am. Either way…I’m SO not happy. I’ve tried EVERYTHING.

…Yoga before bed

…Doing the same thing every night before bed

…Relaxing and watching TV and winding down for at least an hour before bed

…Eating dried cherries (melatonin) before bed

…Eating real cherries before bed

…Not eating sugar/caffiene before bed

…Not eating before bed

…Getting up early

…Staying up late

…Wearing myself out during the day

…Doing nothing all day



…Sleeping alone

…Sleeping with Stephen

…Sleeping without my cats in the room

…Sleeping with the AC up high

…Glass of wine with dinner


…Sleeping with the tv on

…Sleeping with the tv off

…A new freaking bed

And has any of it made ANY difference????


It’s not falling asleep that is the issue, I do that fine. It’s waking up in the middle of the night that’s a problem. Then it takes a half hour to hour to get BACK to sleep.

That’s just downright not peaceful and a crappy quality of sleep.

I miss sleep.


And Kim thinks it’s odd that I took a picture of the homeless person.

It probably is.

But oh well.

It’s more the fact that I almost tripped over him rather than the fact he was homeless.

Ok. Going to go….do something….that is sleep inducing…or sleeping through the night inducing.


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June 11, 2008

I think it’s the heat and humidity that’s doing it. I feel like I haven’t had a quality night’s sleep in ages!

June 11, 2008

I hope you can sleep better soon! I have that problem too, but I’m old…LOL!

June 11, 2008

you know…i can’t sleep either lately. maybe it’s just that time of the year. i’m ALWAYS tired yet i continue to wake up at random hours throughout the night.

June 12, 2008

Dude. I’d be homicidal if I didn’t have my sleep. Have you been to a doctor or anything? I can’t believe you took a picture of that homeless man. That’s something I would do.

June 12, 2008

God that sucks. I’d be so frustrated if I couldn’t sleep all night. I wish I had suggestions for you, but I don’t 🙁

June 12, 2008

I hope you get more sleep soon.

June 12, 2008

Something is waking you up around that time of night, probably internally. It may help to have a sleep study done and see if there’s anything in your sleep patterns that makes you wake up. Other than that you’ve tried everything I was going to suggest!