Let’s Start At The Very Begining

Soooooo I wasn’t going to post today…but Miss Anifish has issued a challenge and I may as well start now.

The challenge is to write 10 positive things about yourself every day for 7 days. I’m assuming they have to be DIFFERENT things every day… Check here for a full explanation.

So. I’m going to try and post regularly this week so I can do this. Please forgive me if I don’t post Saturday/Sunday cause I have a wedding…but I WILL make 7 posts on 7 different days…


1. I ran a half marathon and I am proud of this.

2. I’m OVER halfway to my goal of 8 5K’s in 08. I am proud of this too

3. I’m funny

4. I’m a fairly good singer

5. I am making an effort to be a better person and deal with my issues by seeking professional help

6. I am proud of myself for starting a program AND sticking with it to read the Bible in one calendar year

7. I can be a good listener

8. I’m a good mom to my two cats

9. I was a better girlfriend today to Stephen than I was yesterday

10. I am organized.


YAY 10 things. That last one was hard…I lost my train of thought. Anyway…trying to be more postive…yep. Gonna.

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June 16, 2008

Hello to you, too! Sorry that your first impression of me was my penis…

June 16, 2008

omg you found parrothead! hahah positive thing about you: you’re AWESOME at cheering people up and realizing that things aren’t as big as they seem at the time!!!!!

June 16, 2008

good for you…I would take like an hour to do that…and for 6 more days, yikes. đŸ˜‰

June 16, 2008

Prett good list!

June 16, 2008

OOOOO. I should probably do this, but I know that I’ll just end up staring at an empty screen for an hour, picking at my hair, so…. maybe not lol How is the “seeking professional help” part of your life going? Has it helped you in a huge way, or is it too early to tell? You haven’t mentioned how that has gone in awhile, so I was just wondering đŸ™‚

June 16, 2008

Good list! It’s challenging to avoid repeats, mostly because it’s hard to remember what you’ve said other days, so I like the way you used nice specific things. I’m VERY proud of your goal to do 8 5K’s in 2008, and EXTREMELY proud that you ran half a marathon! WOW! *KUDOS* with stars and everything!

Because a lot of her posts are about boy drama, and it is easy to fall into a mentality of indecision which creates drama in these situations. I’ve seen it happen a thousand times. Oh, and good luck getting into Vet school. Look for podcasts.

June 17, 2008

^crazy random noter guy doesn’t know shit about me. 1. we didn’t listen to that show last night. 2. the reason i remember it now is because last night i had a dream where my grampa was telling me that something big was going to happen in my life and i was to follow my heart. and then marcus proposed to me. WHAT IS GOING ON??? 3. i stayed home from work today. (cont)

June 17, 2008

4. i decided that dealing with a little shit while i’m not feeling well is just not a good idea so i pulled the sick card so i can lay in bed and read all day while trying to keep more food down. 5. WHERE ARE YOU TODAY????

June 17, 2008

Another fave of mine has been doing this lately!!

June 17, 2008

I keep seeing this challenge everywhere! I might just have to try it!