
That was day seven!!!!!!!!! I DID SEVEN DAYS OF POSITIVE STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I didn’t even notice. Hehe. YAY FOR 70 POSITIVE THINGS!!!!

And now……..it’s time for LE CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I challenge agentjanator, VaGirl, LifeHappens, signedK, SmellBeforeRain, Drewbeous fagrid, and Hime. That’s seven people to write 10 positive things about THEMSELVES for seven days. And anyone else who’d like to join…*cough*…a sunset to me*cough* JustKristen*cough*

Some of you I KNOW this is like the last thing you’d ever want to do (there are two of you I’m looking at right now…you know who you are…ok maybe three). So…maybe just try, just for me? PLEASE!?!? Just do as many as you can. Pretty please??????


The challenge is to write 10 positive things about yourself every day for 7 days. Check here for a full explanation.


*hugs* LOVE YOU ALL.

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June 26, 2008
June 26, 2008

I did it, too. It was so hard, but it does feel good to finish. And when I looked back, I was amazed that I could even think of that many things positive about me. LOL Congratulations!

June 26, 2008

I think I was coughed into doing this…hm…ok, I think I will try it lol.

June 26, 2008

I’ll work on it…I promise. I’ve got an entry with pictures in the works, so it may start on Sunday or Monday.

June 26, 2008

I’ll do it. But only for you! I passed my training and am now certified in dealing with little bastard children! 😀 Now I can text/chat all day long whenever.

June 26, 2008

Congratulations! I think a lot of his problem is the lack of a father figure. But seriously, I was ready to beat his ass, but he’s not my kid nor is he related to me. So I couldn’t find it in my heart to do so.

June 26, 2008

aw, man! you tagged me. Rats. lol ten positive things about myself for ten days… I’ll see how far I can get.

June 26, 2008

…er, seven days. not ten. Gotcha.