Don’t Blink

Or ya might miss me!!

Like my parents did!!! Apparently 32:01 was too fast for mom and dad to get me on camera. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Today was the Christiansburg 5K. I almost didn’t run because I got sick with my lovely stomach condition last night but I had REALLY been looking forward to this race. This is race number 5 on my way to the goal of 8 5K’s in ’08. Mom and dad came to support me and play race photographer. Also some people I used to work with ran. One woman did the 1 mile with her sons and another did the 5K with me. I’d pre-registered so I went and got my packet (Just a shirt and a pen, not much swag, it was the first running of this race) and was debating whether or not I’d run. I looked at the course map…


…and was REALLY not sure. I’m very familiar with all the streets, considering the course goes around my current workplace…and MAN that is some hilly stuff. Then I saw one of the girls from my old work…

colleene and me 

…and talked to her and the other person from work…and decided I’d give it a whirl and see how far I could make it. I also saw some friends from Run Club so that was fun. So the race began…


and we're off 

…I am actually in that picture but I don’t think anyone else can spot me. I’ve got my head turned…talking…imagine that. So I ran. I stuck with the girl from work for the most part. It was pretty darn hilly and I ended up going out in front of her towards the middle of the race. There was one water stop AND a sprinkler…and that felt pretty great in the heat. I did walk some, mostly on the hills, because I’m just not trying to push my body and end up sick on the couch for a week or two. The race went past yet another former co-worker’s home so she and her husband were outside to cheer us on. That was really awesome. She’s the best. I got to the finish and the girl that had ran the 1 miler with her kids was cheering for me so that was awesome. It’s always great motivation to get through those last few yards if you hear someone yelling your name. So I finished in 32:01 according to my watch and surprisingly that was exactly my clock time too!!! How often does THAT happen?!?!

finish p6140024

Anyway. So I look around…and I don’t see my parents…and I didn’t remember seeing them taking my picture as I sprinted across the finish…Where ARE those people???

way to pay attention 

THERE they are!!! Where were they, you might ask, while I was finishing my race? Oh, they were SHOPPING. IN THE DOLLAR TREE. Mom apparently thought it would take me a touch longer to finish…but that’s ok, I love them just the same. They were there at least to cheer and that’s what matters. Plus I think mom has WAY better pictures than I have on my camera so possibly more pictures to come!! Anyway, then I decided we needed a fake finishing photo…because I am a DORK. And this is a HORRIBLE picture…but since I’m picking on mom and dad, I’ll post it and publicly embarass myself.

fake finish

Yeah. Good times.

Anyway, so that was the race. Pretty good day. Next time I’ll get mom and dad some tracking chips or something so they don’t wander off.

me and mom

The End!

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June 14, 2008

LOL she was in Dollar Tree while you were finishing your race? Wow. How supportive 😉 I like your shoes. I can’t seem them that clearly, but from what I can see they’re cool looking.

June 14, 2008

I found you in that picture! I made sure to look long and hard!!!! So excited about you being able to complete it! GO COURTNEY!!!!

June 14, 2008

That’s funny! It will probably be awhile before they live that down, won’t it? LOL Good job on the race! That’s awesome.

June 14, 2008

congrats, you should be damn proud

June 14, 2008

OK it sucks that your parents wound up in the Dollar Tree when you were finishing but there’s still something pretty comical about that.

June 14, 2008

Get those kids on GPS! Good job! I will want lots and lots and lots of pictures when I run my 5K for sure!

June 14, 2008

Good job. And I like your #. 😉

June 14, 2008

haha, I love how your mom isn’t even looking in the last picture! And I see your little pink shirt in that one with all the people!! Haha, great time! Go you!!

June 16, 2008

Congrats!! You rock my world.