Currently Slacking

Thanks CrackBecca for making me unproductive.

Current Book: 
Eat Pray Love, World Religions, The Search For Schrodinger’s Cat, No Need For Speed (I…can’t focus)Current Music:
Oldies. Some station that streams online out of DC.

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure:
WORKOUT COMES ON APRIL 15TH!!!! Except I’m not ashamed. Ok..Cheerleader U. Shut it.

Current Colors:
Of? Pink and Black as always I guess. Unless it’s football season, then it’s Orange.

Current Obsession(s):
This zit on my face…

Current Drink:

Current Songs:
Your Smiling Face – James Taylor

Fat Bottomed Girls – Queen

Lets Stay Together – Al Greene

Current Movie:
JUNO COMES OUT APRIL 15TH!!!! Until then…The Holiday I guess.

Current TV Show:
Workout. As previously stated.

And Namaste Yoga if that counts.

Current Fave Photo: 

Of me? HA. No. Ever? This awesome one of a beer can I took that I need to find.

Current Wish-List:
Um. Money. Birthday presents. A new GI tract. Anything on or

And to get in (or RE-IN) grad school. Stupid system. Stupid office people.

Current Needs:
MONEY. Grad school to not suck.

Current Triumph(s):
Being caught up on ALL of my bills.

Current Bane(s) of my Existence:
Grad School. And my GI tract

Current Celebrity Crush:
If Jackie Warner hit on me I’d reconsider my sexuality. (If Stephen reads this NOT REALLY)

Current Indulgence:
I haven’t had chocolate in like 6 days. Ok except for Tuesday but beth put it in my hand before I knew what I was doing.

Current Blessing:
Health seems to be on the upswing…this week.

Current Slang or Saying:
"I will end you"

"Don’t sass me"


Current Outfit:
Jeans, t-shirt, fliperflopers.

Current Excitement:
Putting tonight? Race this weekend? Oh yeah, and my birthday…right. 24. Yay.

Current Mood:
Procrastinating…if that’s a mood.


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April 10, 2008
April 10, 2008

I saw when your birthday was a few days ago, so I put up a countdown on my facebook and I’ll send you a flower or something… if I remember to LOL I know, that’s the point of a countdown… whatever. I’m shutting up now. I don’t own Bravo (or whatever network), so I haven’t seen Work Out. I haven’t even heard of Namaste Yoga. RYN: do you like her music, or do you like her? I’m a bit confused… lol or both?

April 10, 2008
April 10, 2008

*Nods* Thank you. *shakes fist* it’s still upsetting. Juno is the best movie.

April 10, 2008

I like those current sayings. And procrastinating IS totally a mood.

April 10, 2008


April 12, 2008

Happy Birthday my partner in jellyfish crime. May you be blessed by the almighty boob jellyfish today! Yeah, I couldn’t resist. –

April 12, 2008

RYN: I get sick ABOUT once a week but soon I’m going to go to the doctor. Thanks for your note!

April 12, 2008

Mmm. So apparently…I missed it. Soooo…happy BELATED birthday!!! I hope it was a good one!!

April 13, 2008

I need to read Eat Pray Love. It’s on my list.