Big Ole Pile Of Pictures

Before ANYONE looks at the pictures they must all go back and read the last entry because it’s freaking funny.

So go read and laugh and note and all that good stuff.













Did you read it yet????





DON’T CHEAT!!!!!!!!!!!








Ok, Pictures.


My Kitties, Molly is the tabby/white and Paco is the fluffy orange





more wreath

Wreath on Beth’s house. Can anyone tell what’s not supposed to be there?

more eggs


not eggs

Except then they hatched. Because all babies want to get borned.

the graduate

My bestest, Beth. Getting ready to go graduate with her masters…and forgetting her masters hood on the way to the hooding ceremony and making me drive 90mph around campus to back home and get said hood.


We got the hood. And got hooded.

me too!!



And thats all for now, folks.

Until I get back from the beach and upload from the NEW CAMERA….and Stephen fixed the old one…so now I have 2 really bangin cameras.


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May 9, 2008

Great pictures. And yes, I cheated. *hangs head*

May 9, 2008

Holy SHIT I look horrible. THANKS. God. lol

May 9, 2008

You look gorgeous! The last picture makes you look like you’re the target of the paparazzi.

May 9, 2008

My cat loves pillows, too. Your kitties are adorable 🙂 Love the robin eggs/nest in the wreath… they’re so cute! I bet they make a racket though O_O

May 9, 2008

adorable bird pics!

May 9, 2008

yay i read the previous entry before i even looked at this one!!! do i get a cookie?? =P yay!!! kitties!!!! i <3 kitties. lol @ that really really far apart hug in that third pic =P awwww!!!! i want a wreath with a nest in it!!! ^_^ and you know, instead of me just buying a camera, you could just send me one of yours…. ^_~

May 10, 2008

Yayy for the graduation! And OMG baby bird pictures, I’ve never seen anyone else post anything like that!

May 10, 2008

RYN: He’s not gay. But like a retard, I tease him about being gay. So, I showed my friend Mary his pictures online and she and her roommate are gay, and they were like, OMG, he’s flaming. But, it’s just that, he…photographs, gay. And for awhile, I was consumed with knowing the truth. But no. He’s not. He just takes really bad pictures.

May 10, 2008

RYN: Anyway. Some crapheads at work told him I had this all-consuming love for him. He tells me. I think he was testing the waters. And like a dumbass, I get really scared and say, “What me? No. I think your gay. Remember?” Even though he basically acts like my slave.

May 10, 2008

Cool pictures. I didn’t cheat!

May 11, 2008

I read previous entry BEFORE looking at pictures, like a good girl. I got called for a suspicious charge when I bought my LAPTOP, but 14 dollars sounds a littttttle crazy paranoid…cute pics. You look especially sassy in the last one.