Bicycles, Bills, and Banner Days

Well it has been a DAY.

It started off pretty good considering my trainer took a silver platter and handed me the lower half of my body on it.

Two words: Spin Class.


30 minutes of ass kicking cardio on a freaking stationary bike.

Because I am not ready for a REAL bike.

Because I SUCK at biking.

I did not know I sucked at biking. I thought that the times I had been on a bike before now…were good. I thought I had EXERCISED on a bike.

But I was wrong.

I have never sweat so much during an indoor activity in my life. It was like a hooker in church, I swear.

And my trainer is just sitting beside me perking along going "And stand and bike…and sit and bike….and stand and bike….and sit and bike…."

And I’m thinking "And bite me…..and screw you…….and I hate you……"

Nah, I love her. It was awesome.

Then we did medicine ball drills. And some other forms of torture.

And…that was the GOOD part of my day.

So. Then I got home and tried to take my exam.

And the website was down.

So I finally got it to work…took my test….got an A- in the class. A-. A FREAKING MINUS.

I am seven points (out of a total 700) away from an A.

For those of you not following, A = 4.0 GPA. A- = 3.9 GPA. IE SCREWS MY GPA.




7 points.



So then…I go…to my last day of work. Which sucked donkey balls. It was the busiest day we have had in 3 months…and I’m there for TWO hours. ALONE.

And speaking of alone…NO ONE noticed it was my last day. And we have 3 people that work there.





This is the SECOND job that I have not gotten any type of farewell. Other people leaving get a card or a free lunch…or even a "we’ll miss you". But no.


I had to call my boss and make sure he KNEW it was my last day.

I swear to God. No one notices I exist unless the bathroom needs to be cleaned or some other type of bitch-work needs to happen.



So then I got an email from V-freaking-erizon. My bill is overdue and they are going to shut off my service.



Apparently I tried to pay it…and Verizon just didn’t allow the transfer to complete. This is the SECOND time they have done this. Mother. F.


Douchepacker arrives.

Bangs on the door, says he’s here to get his car.

Um…no. We don’t have a release.

Then he tells me "Well I’ll be sitting right out there in that car so when you get that release just let me know" in an almost threatening manner.

Oh no. He didn’t.

So then he takes pictures of his car and the "damage" done by our truck.

Bull fucking shit.

So I get Peter to lock the dude out of our lot until we get the release.

FINALLY at 4:45 his stupid wife manages to pay and we get the release from the bank.

THEN douchepacker refuses to sign it because of the "damage" on his car.

I was PISSED at this point. I’m staying late, it’s my last day, and I have been busting ass to get work done. And this guy thinks he’s going to not sign?

Fine. I told him he could not sign and walk out the door without his car.

And he told me he would be taking his car.

And I told him he would be escorted off the property by the police and he could kiss my ass.

I said the first part, thought the second.

So we called the bank, and my boss, and Jesus, and he FINALLY signed the paper.

But bitched.

And I swear to God if he had said one more thing to me with ANY kind of tone, I would have ripped his balls out through his ear.

I. Wanted. To. Hurt. Him.

But I’m done now.

And now…I’m going to go get ice cream and play wii-beat-the-shit-out-of-something with Kim.


*love and snuggles*

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June 27, 2008

I want some ice cream! Also, it sucks the A- screws with your GPA! >(

June 27, 2008

aaaah, its good to be back and read your entries. i’ve missed them!! sorry that nobody did anything for you on your last day, but hey…. YOU’RE DONE!! woo! =] and i’m the same way with my grades… i can’t believe that. i’m still bitter that i don’t have a 4.0 anymore. it’s like a 3.86 or something now. blah. that’s the perfectionist in me.. ryn: thanks for all your prayers!! LOVE YOU!!!

June 27, 2008

It is sad when the best part of you day is SPINNING. 🙁 You definitely deserve both the ice cream and the opportunity to beat the living daylights out of someone in the wii. I’m just glad it’s not me!

June 28, 2008

I haven’t been brave enough to try spin class yet. I may do that this week! I could use a super ass kicking workout. Stupid people. I probably would have punched that jerk in the face.

June 28, 2008

A lot of universities, etc. don’t even use minuses or pluses (sp?). And by the way I am sure you are in better shape than me.

June 28, 2008

I hate the pluses and minuses that grading scales put at the end of grades. They should be outlawed. Boo on stupid jerkface at work. At least you’re done there now!