Belated Birthday Biography

HA, found a B-word to complete that title…


So. Birthday was Saturday. 24 big ones. Yay. Or something like that.

But thanks for all the birthday wishes guys!!!!!!

We’ll do a quick recap.

Basically Stephen….tried. He was too sick for dinner Friday, and too sick to come to my race Saturday. He did make it to dinner with my family but I didn’t actually get to spend any time with him until Saturday night. However he did make presents appear at my apartment while I was gone which was nice. I got the fishing pole I’d really wanted so that was fun. 🙂

Back to the race though. I haven’t ran in 2 whole weeks because of being sick, but I REALLY wanted to do this race. So…I went. I ran. I walked some. The ENTIRE finish was downhill which was great. It was great weather. AND I PR’D!!! (Got a personal record) For the year at least. I’m only counting year-by-year because uh…I took 4 months off because of my stomach so I can’t really expect to be where I was last year. So…YAY!!! Somehow I did it in 30:46 which is just insane. SO PROUD!!! My overall PR is 27:05 incase you were wondering.

So then I went out for ice cream and THEN lunch…and some shopping. Ann Taylor Loft attacked. Totally not my fault. Totally worth it.

Got home, found Stephen-presents. He came over while I got ready to go to mom’s. Went over there for the family/friend dinner thing. That was fun.

Let me just whine for 2.5 here.

For one, Stephen has GOT to learn to ask Beth/someone for gift approval. I mean he TRIES…but at the same time…we’re both poor so let’s not waste money, ok? Seriously. Buy me something I’ll like/use so no one feels bad/wastes money. I ASK HIS FRIENDS WHAT TO BUY!!!!

And two. My family/Kim asked for a list of what to get me. I spent a LOT of time writing said list. I even provided links to where you could buy stuff online.

NO ONE USED MY LIST!!!!! (Ok, that’s a lie, Kim did, and she did so very well, but my family, who initated the list, DIDN’T) Mom got me one thing, and so did Aunt June, both good…but…the other aunts and people…come on, you never see me, so you don’t really know what I like…SO I GIVETH THE LIST!!!!

But that’s ok I guess because now I have cash. Which I will, of course, spend irresponsibly.

But I DID buy a financial help book type thing type deal….so…maybe I’ll do better. I figured that was a good way to spend some of the birthday money.

Overall, decent birthday. I just wish Stephen wasn’t so sick all of the time…He was FINE Wednesday and Thursday…then Friday he’s basically deathly ill. It was because of the breathing machine they put him on but still. It just sucks that somehow, every time I want time….he’s sick. Then when I have NO time…he’s fine.

I’ve complained enough now though to get him to make more doctor’s appointments. Seriously, the child has been sick in some form since I MET HIM. A YEAR AGO.

That’s just absurd. I thought my 4 months was awful. I would have checked myself into a hospital by now and refused to leave until someone fixed me.

But he IS a boy…and stubborn…so it’s taken awhile.

But seriously, we don’t even have a REAL relationship. And it SUCKS. I know it sucks for him being so sick…but really I feel like he could do more to get better….like stay home with his parents until someone somewhere has fixed the eleven billion things that are wrong with him. It’d make both our lives easier I think.

But whatever. It’s his life….however it is kind of making a drastic impact on mine…but…oh well.

So that was my birthday.

Sunday I slept in and skipped church. (Bad, I know) But I REALLY needed the sleep. Got a lot of stuff done though.

Need to be getting real work done right now, then homework.

Oh, other fun stuff. If Kim’s allergies stop sucking I think we’re going to a baseball game friday!! WHOOOOOO BASEBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*does a happy dance*

*does another one because she has a free ticket*


Ok. Off to the real world now.

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April 14, 2008

Happy Belated birthday… with everything going on I totally forgot… I have a card for you… but alas i forgot to mail it 🙁 Im so so sorry… still love me?

April 14, 2008

AWESOME! Glad you had a great birthday 🙂 Sucks that no one used your list, though. I hate when people ask for a list of stuff that I want and NOTHING I get was actually on it.

April 14, 2008

Happy birthday!

April 14, 2008

happy happy belated

April 14, 2008

Happy late birthday!! Oooh, and while I’m thinking about it, I got an email from Ann Taylor with the coupon for the friends/family sale. If you haven’t gotten one, let me know and I’ll email it to you. Congrats on the run, and birthday goodies! Sounds like it was a good weekend!

April 14, 2008

Psht, who needs to spend money responsibly, and baseball is kick ass. Thanks for the comment by the way, I’m glad you found it amusing ^.^

April 14, 2008

Haha, I think it’s funny now, I didn’t yesterday. You KNOW that if you made a list of everything you really didn’t want, then that’s when they’d follow the list. But why one would make such list is beyond me.

April 14, 2008

happy birthday! Yeah, sometimes stores do attack, we can’t help it!

April 14, 2008

RYN: Gimme gimme your email address and I’ll send it!

April 14, 2008

Oh i was SO gonna get defensive about the list, you you corrected yourself, so you shall live another day

April 14, 2008

I already heard most of this stuff earlier, but thought I’d let you know I still read! 🙂

April 14, 2008

happy belated birthday. hey, next year your car insurance will go down! my boyfriend ALWAYS gives me giftcards: OldNavy, BestBuy, ect. while my parents/family give me money.

April 15, 2008

RYN: Sent! Let me know if you don’t get it, and I’ll forward it again.