Back On Track

Busy weekend at the wedding.

Driving sucked.

Food really sucked.

Dancing with Stephen rocked.

Rest of the weekend with his family also rocked.

Pretty much Stephen rocked. 🙂 We’re doing a lot better and fighting less. It’s nice.

And now I’d like to take a minute and say a big thank you to Captain Obvious via

Soul diva Amy Winehouse has damaged her lungs by smoking crack cocaine and cigarettes, her father said in an interview published Sunday.

Weeeell DUH.

Next, I’d like to thank my mother…this from our conversation earlier:

Mom: We have some cabbage in the garden if you want it.

Me: Ok, can I cook it in a slow cooker?

Mom: Yeah

Me: Wonder if that changes the nutritional value…

Mom: Nah, you have a lid on the slow cooker so the vitamins don’t escape.

Thanks mom. Good to know vitamins escape via evaporation. Heeeeeeeee.

And now to catch up with our top ten-age. (This is day 5 of 7, I’m not going to do like 30 for the days I missed…I shall do them tomorrow and the next day and the next)

1. I am easily amused

2. I allowed my cat to live another day.

(We will now break for that story)

How to tell your cat is REALLY mad you’ve been gone……he POOS on your COFFEE TABLE.

AND…..He goes in the bathroom and in what I’d like to think is an effort to clean up his poo…unrolls half a jumbo roll of expensive toilet paper.

So for the next two hours after I got home, Paco was forced to wear the roll of toilet paper wrapped around his mischevious little body. (It actually fell off mostly, but I tucked a long piece in his collar as his version of a scarlet letter for awhile. He finally dipped it in his water bowl and I had to be a good mom and remove it)


3. I am creative yet nice when punishing my cat. (Can I say punishing and be positive?)

4. I look good in pink

5. I am a thrifty shopper (120 dollar suit….50 bucks. THANKS ANN TAYLOR LOFT!!)

6. I returned all my phone calls today

7. I ate my vegetables today

8. I was able to control my panic attacks this weekend without medication

9. I bake good chocolate chip cookies

10. I am good at wrapping wedding presents. (Did I use that already???)

Hmmm…me go check.

Yeah I did.

10. I can almost always find the positive side of things when I try.

There. 🙂

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June 22, 2008

Wow, Paco poos on your coffee table? Maybe I should feel lucky that my cat only ignores me after I’m gone awhile and come back! lol Glad that your visit with Stephen and the fam was cool. 🙂

June 22, 2008

I thought you used birthday presents the last time you said you were good at wrapping. Anyway, being good at wrapping is hard, so it’s okay to count it twice haha! Vitamins don’t escape! They don’t go anywhere at all, actually. A lot of vitamins stay the same, but some of them change shape when they’re heated too vigorously and thus lose their value to your body even though they’re reallystill there. It’s like taking your house key and melting it. You’ve still got the whole key, but it won’t open your door. 🙂

June 22, 2008

sweet good job controling panic attacks w/o medication. my b/f has to do that a lot and i can tell it’s really hard for him. keep up the good work! ^_~

June 22, 2008

So vitamins can escape huh? lol. The other day my cat was out of food in her dish. She decided to get me up at 5:30am so I would put more in. I ignored her. So what did she do? She started chewing on my phone charger. Little brat. Haha, your story inspired me to share mine. Don’t you love cats?

June 23, 2008

I can’t believe, of all places, your cat decided to poo on your coffee table.

June 23, 2008

His version of the Scarlet Letter…oh, that’s good.

June 23, 2008

Vitamins escaping, ha ha!

June 23, 2008

I love the kitty scarlet letter…that may be my favorite punishment ever! My roommate used to put her dogs in the shower, close the curtains, and turn the cold water on. Completely ineffective, by the way.

June 23, 2008

ryn: he loves to fish!!! I cant cook him anything…he’s the cook in the family!

June 23, 2008

Oh, I’d die if our cat did that! What a little stinker (no pun intended). I love your list and you do seem to be a very positive person! (((Hugs)))

June 24, 2008

I LOVE chocolate chip cookies…yummy. Yes, letting your cat live another day after that is a positive thing…lol.

June 24, 2008

ryn: Awesome idea! *off to cabellas to buy lures*