b careful what u write bc u may look like a moron

Do you know what drives me INSANE??

People who use "b" instead of "be". How. Much freaking extra effort. Does it take. TO TYPE A SECOND LETTER?!!?!??!?!

I just found this OD…guy is in residency to be a doctor. A FREAKING DOCTOR…. n he types like this bc hes special n its cool r smthin.

Seriously. He uses "n" for "and". No capitilization. No punctuation. NO REAL WORDS.


Now, I may not be the greatest speller in the world, but at least my mutterings in here are legible and for pete’s sake I know where to put a capital letter. And for the love of cheese, if you’re going to be a doctor, then spell things out. Doctors are supposed to be SMART…and God help you if any of your patients saw you write.

Yet another reason it’s harder to get in to vet school than med school. Apparently med school doesn’t have a written exam.


Ok, speaking of writing, an 8 page paper needs to appear from these 14 research articles and 10 books surrounding me that I have barely read.

PS, did you know you can get over 10 books from the library that all have the word "manure" in the title? You can. And I have.

Peace, love and typing skills!!!

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April 23, 2008

I hate when people type like that.

April 23, 2008

RYN: I also adore Juno. Pretty much the best movie of 08. If you don’t mind a really raunchy read, I highly recommend Diablo Cody’s memoir, “Candy Girl”. It’s amazing.

April 23, 2008

Since my mother has gotten involved in messaging on an instant messenger, she writes like that all the time. It drives me insane. I even asked her if she forgot how to spell! I’m bad.

April 23, 2008

You crack me up!!! I hate chatspeak too. Hate it. Good luck on that paper!

April 23, 2008

I hate that short hand crap, too. I also hAtE wHeN PpL tYpE LyKe DiS. I also hate when people say “I love to write. I want to be a writter when I grow up.” *headdesk*

April 23, 2008

A friend of mine’s wife types like that, and it drives me insane!! She sent me a long message the other day, and I wanted to scream instead of read.

April 23, 2008

Well, Stacy and Anyonita are both in Greensboro, so I immediately thought of them. YOU COUNT TOOO!!!!

April 23, 2008

I’m pretty sure I will not be running in that race…haha. But I shall cheer YOU on!

April 23, 2008

I absolutely hate when people type like that.

April 24, 2008

ryn: It agrees with straight. That was blow dried straight, not flat ironed straight.

April 24, 2008

Nothing turns me off quicker than people typing like. Nothing turns me on quicker than a man spelling out to me. I totally understand. RYN: Thanks for the advice.

April 25, 2008

i know, right. you are awesome