A Few Short Answers

Ok, in an effort to make this make sense…I’ve rearranged the questions. 🙂 Not too many questions but that’s ok. If you think of some, feel free to ask. I’ve been SO bad at updating so…you guys can help me update by asking me things I may leave out.

Wait. Must preface this.

STEPHEN I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU ARE READING THIS I WILL KILL YOU. Seriously. There are some things you do not want to know, so STOP READING. I love you to death, but really. If you read this and use it against me or make yourself feel all sad and mopey I will have no choice but to be very, very, very pissed. This is MY life. I’m trying to make ME happy. So YOU stop making yourself sad by reading this, and work on getting your life together. You’re on your way and I’m proud of you, but reading my OD will ONLY make you sad and depressed and we don’t need that. We’re friends. Nothing more. So be happy for me, and DO NOT READ THIS.

Sorry about that folks. Just had to do a little prevention.

Anyway. Moving on.

Ok, so here goes.

Who is the hunnie???


That’s the hunnie. 🙂 Hehe. More pictures towards the end. But his name is Tracy. I call him Trace though.

How did we meet?

Heh. We met…um….6 months ago? He moved in to the apartment literally right beside me. My first thought was "DAMN cute neighbor boy". So I talked to him, got his name and promptly forgot it. So I nicknamed him CNB. Cute Neighbor Boy. He will probably be referred to as such a lot in here so…CNB = my BF. 🙂

Anyway. Thought he was cute. Talked a bit. Didn’t interact much because I was dating someone…however I so would go out of my way to bump in to him in the stairwell of our building. Take extra long at the mailbox…laundry room…etc. He apparently did the same. Even going so far as to offer to go back to work and get a package for me that I had missed. (He works for um…a delivery company…which I will call FedUP…and if anyone gets that joke, please laugh with me.) Anyway. At the time he told me he had to run back to work so he’d grab it…but apparently he DIDN’T have to go back to work. Heh. He was just sweet.

So then he got a dog.


That’s Uri. Pronounced "Or-ee" Like Oreo without the last O. So. I fell for the dog. I mean…how could you not?!?!? So every time I’d see him walking the dog I’d stalk him…in a "hey you’re cute let me pet you" kind of way.

So anyway. Became single…then became not single breifly, then back to single…then one night I was cleaning out my fridge and had some beer from a friend in it…beer I didn’t like and was about to pour it down the sink when I thought to myself "Wonder if CNB would want this…"

So I knocked on his door…and sure enough it was his fave. So I gave him 4 beers, and used this as an excuse to talk to him for the next 3 hours.

Then he came over to my place for a second to see my grandfather’s shotgun…and he noticed how much I love UT. My entire living room is orange…so…he got the picture. Also discussed how much I hate VT.

Next afternoon…I’m sitting on my couch..and there’s a knock at the door about 5 minutes before I need to leave for class.

And there’s no one there.

But SOMEONE has duct taped a huge VT over my UT doormat.

Don’t have time to check it out…so I glare, pull off the tape, and leave for class.

Around 9:30pm when I get home…I have already called every single person I can think of who would do that and I’m out of options. So I knock on CNB’s door. Apparently woke him up…and he claims to not know a thing, but he sure will keep an eye out for the duct tape bandit. He’s holding back a laugh. So I invite myself in. (He was too sleepy to do it for me)

So…We talked for another 3 hours.

Then later that week…he asked me out. And I MISSED IT. I got asked out…and had no idea it was happening. He said  "If you’re not doing anything between class and when Beth comes over tonight, could I take you to dinner?" and I was like "I’d love to cook you dinner sometime but tonight I have stuff to do"

5 minutes and a conversation with Jana later…I realized HE HAD ASKED ME ON A DATE AND I’D SAID NO!!!!!!!!!

So I begged him in to coming over since Beth couldn’t come that night…and…had to explain to him that I had missed the fact I was being asked on a date since it had been over 2 years since anyone asked me out.

He laughed at me and told me how bad his day had been since he got shot down. Lol.

So…then we made out.

And then made out the next day. And for the next week or two. (Story continues below)

How long have we been dating?

On Nov 21st…he took me out on a date. We went to Olive Garden and came back home and were sitting on the couch. He goes "I have a present for you" and since by now I’m used to the fact that he jokes around non-stop I go "What? The Tivo remote?" since he has it beside him. He goes "Yeah" and hands me the remote.

About 5 minutes later he puts a Gerber pouch in my lap. (For those of you non-redneck people…Gerber makes knives and multi-tools similar to leathermans…let me find a picture)

Right. So he puts that in my lap. Basically that center pouch with a tool similar to the tool to the right of the pouch…but much cooler…but anyway. PUTS POUCH IN MY LAP.

I flip out. Start squealing. I have wanted one of these FOREVER….I mean WANTED BAD. And omg…he gave me a (sorry, where was I? He just wandered in to my apartment…because we practically live together at this point)

ANYWAY. Gave me a multi-tool!!! That’s like…the most perfect gift for me EVER.

So I’m playing with it. And oh, I forgot. He said he wants to start dating me on Dec 1st so he can remember our anniversary because he’s terrible with dates. Remember that. Dec 1st. Moving on.

So I’m playing with my multi-tool and messing with all the blades and he finally goes "Your name is engraved on one of the blades"

I was like  "REALLY?!?!?! OMG!!!!!!!!" So I flip through EVERY blade…and of course the last blade I get to, which happened to be the blade I’d been playing with the most….had something laser etched on it.

And it said "Will you be my girlfriend?"


I freaked.


So. Nov 21. 🙂

And loving every single minute of it. I can’t put in to words how amazing he is.


How’s school??

 Eeeeh. *gag* Is it over yet????? I go back Jan 20th. SO not looking forward to it.

Have you been feelin

g better?

I AM FEELING GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ran 5 miles yesterday and did yoga this morning and SIGNED UP FOR THE SHAMROCK HALF MARATHON IN MARCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THAT’S HOW I’M FEELING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

So. Any further questions?

Ok pictures later. He needs me to help with carving our hiking staffs. Hehe. We hike. We play wii together. We cook. He’s like…my best friend.

He’s like…Erik.

Duck. He’s like a more mature and more sweet and sensitive Erik.


And Duck…um…that note…um…WTF??? CALL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!


LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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January 5, 2009

Oh my gosh! He’s so sweet! I love the Gerber, and the fact that he thought ahead and had it etched. I had an ‘awww’ moment when I read that. So happy for you! *hugs*

January 5, 2009

It wasn’t the most romantic gift in the world, but you loved it and he must have know you’d love it, so I guess it was pretty romantic! You sound very smitten and I’m happy for you! He is very cute (and so are you)!

January 5, 2009

cute 🙂 I’m happy for you!!

January 5, 2009

that is a very sweet story!

January 6, 2009

that was creative. so you know when he proposes marriage it will be in a unique way.

January 11, 2009

i remember that conversation. best phone call ever. hahahaha.