The Telemarketing Troubles
Ok, so I’m "new" here, so to speak. We’ll forget about the introductions, and I’ll just jump right into what’s been going on lately…
I’m quitting my job. I work as a telemarketer, and let me tell you, it is a really shitty job! I thought it would be easy money… and it is… but like fuck, they just fired my friend for not getting enough sales. Actually, I think the whole operation is a huge scam. But it’s telemarketing, so, why WOULDN’T I think that?
When I went in for my interview I was picturing little cubicles and people in the cubicles wearing those funky headsets, sitting infront of a computer. But, oh no. No, no, no, no. That is NOT what the whole sham was about. Let me explain to you what I saw when I arrived:
A wide open room. Yep, wide open. Oh and there is more… On my right there is a wall of windows overlooking the street outside. Now, coming out from those windows horizontally, are rows and rows of desks with phones scattered on the desk tops and shabby computer chairs. The carpet has stains here and there and is freying around the edges of the room.
Did I forget to mention that I am dressed quite snazzily?
So in walks a soon to be co-worker. As soon as I saw her, I was like "Boy do I feel like an idiot". Clearly, at that point I was subliminally messaged that there would be no dress code for this workplace. She was dressed in men’s surf shorts (you know, the flower pattterned ones), an oversized tee shirt and sneakers. To my eye, she was "ugly". I don’t know, not ugly, but differently dressed. What I’m trying to say here is NO ONE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO WEAR WHAT SHE WAS WEARING TO WORK.
So I had my interview, and started working immediately. THAT NIGHT. They never did tell me, NOT ONCE did they tell me I was hired. The only thing the supervisor said to me was "Can you come in tomorrow?" and then the next day "Can you make it in tomorrow?" and so on and so forth.
Oh right, so what do I sell at this shit-hole? I sell magazines. Yeah, I know. Who the fuck sells magazines over the phone? Well, if you ever wanted to know, that would be ME. The promotion is five magazine subscriptions for $2.79/wk. In which comes one weekly magazine. Well it isn’t a bad offer, but only retards buy them over the phone. Stupid promotions…
And the reason why I am quitting? Well, I’ve made nine sales in my couple of weeks at the job (which is quite substantial), yet it’s the night shift from 4pm-9pm and this is my last summer before I go, dare I say it, out into the "real world". My problem? My friends work days, and by the time they get home, I’m just leaving for work. Which blows. Then they dont want to hang out for much longer after 9pm, because they’ve got to wake up early for work the next morning. Viscious cycle, I know. But I want out. So I’m giving them a one day notice at work tomorrow. Muahahaha. Hopefully my next entry will be on how happy I am to be done my job. Have a good night.
Oh, and everyone at work is so fucking ghetto. Not that I have anything against ghetto… ok I do, I hate it, but I cant stand it any longer.
Being there a couple of weeks is truly an accomplishment, take the money you have made and run, LOL enjoy the summer. Telemarketing SUCKS. I got into line for an application when i was in highschool and couldnt tolerate it. its a different kinda people.
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So that means you have a boy for yourself too? I’d love to know about it. And that job? Jeesh. I’d quit too.
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