Green Day Concert/ Camping etc
So here I sit again, in my room, with my laptop. The only shitty thing is that I don’t have a wireless hub in my house and I have to copy and paste my journals from Microsoft Word when I eventually connect to the internet. (Which will probably be tomorrow). Right now I’m listening to the Foo Fighters. I think they’re not too shabby. My friend Lisa went to go see them a few weeks ago. Actually, I think she went the day after I went to the Green Day concert.
Man, that Green Day concert was awesome. I was front row at a general admission concert. Who would have thought that I’d even make it that close at a general admission? I went with Ben and Mel. Well, I should really say I went with Mel, since we got separated from Ben before the concert even started. I guess it was for the better. When we met up after the concert, we had a lot of stories to tell each other. And that made things a bit more interesting. But I’d love to go to that concert all over again. Sheesh. It was a good way to end the summer.
Oh yeah, we also went camping last weekend. At least I think it was last weekend. Either that or the weekend before last. Liz, Mel, Adam, Ben and I. And to our surprise Kirby and her people were there as well. As much as I really couldn’t stand her in highschool, she wasn’t that bad. Maybe it’s because she gave me free Mike’s Hard Lemonade, Crown Royal and Fireball Whiskey. And I will be the first to freely admit that I’m not into the alcohol scene, but it was a nice alternative to our campsite’s “alcohol free” by choice barrier. Plus, Peter mixes great drinks. Ha ha.
That reminds me, Peter is supposed to be having a party sometime this week. Yay.
What else have I failed to write about?
Oh yes. I’m moving away in 4 days. (Probably 3 by the time I copy and paste this). Friday, September 2nd I will be in my truck driving to North Bay. I still don’t know if I’ll cry or what when I leave. It’s a big step for me. I’m an only child, from a single parent family. I’ll miss my mommy! I’m not too worried about the roommate situation though. Since I don’t have to share my room with anyone; just the apartment. I’m looking forward to all of the parties and activities for Frosh Week, too. Plus, I’ll be coming home on the 15th if everything goes as planned. Another added bonus is that I have one class on Thursday from 12:30-3:30; then I get Fridays offJ. Can you say long weekend?
I think I have plans that weekend already. Well, that is if they were serious. When I went over to Adam’s house on Thursday, I mentioned that I planned on coming home that weekend, and Ben was like “We’re definitely hanging out.” But who exactly knows with him.
Other than me moving, nothing too exciting is happening here. Teddy’s birthday is on Thursday; and apparently, according to Luke, Luke and I are planning something together for that? Yeah right! That’s my last night with friends, if Teddy wants to hangout on his birthday, then that’s the extent of the planning.
I suppose I should go. Happy hunting. Love Natasha
It would be so awesome to see Green Day live.
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