RANT!! w/Edit

 I need to rant, just for the hell of it, I’m not PMS’ing or anything, just tired of stupidity,, so anyways, here it goes…

My facebook account is driving me nuts, now I do have a lot of people on there that are great, all the one’s I added from here on my fb are awesome and Dee, your status updates are hilarious, I don’t have a problem at all with anyone I added from here, the one’s who bug the shit out of me, are mainly the one’s I added for the game I play, most of these people I don’t know, they just help out with the game and I get requests daily from them..anyways, not to offend anyone, but will just state the obvious, all these people are American, I’m not bashing American’s, just stating the one’s who annoy me happen to be American, the one’s I’m talking about, I will list and explain why they are so freaking annoying…

** The bash Obama pics and status’s, mainly the one’s where Obama created this huge deficit and is spending all Americans money and taking away so many important things. I’m not gonna go into detail on this one, because I’d be here forever, but I’m Canadian, I don’t really care about politics, but I even know the debt is not Obama’s fault, blame Bush, he spent tons more and put the country in debt more then Obama did. Also, what is so wrong with trying to help out the less rich, starting the process of affordable health care for every citizen..even someone who isn’t that into politics and not even from that country knows this. So if I know this, why the fuck can’t these American’s know this,, read a freaking News paper, do some research, get the FACTS, before you copy and paste these stupid pics of him ruining your country and spending all your money!!

**EDIT** Ok obviously I offended someone with this one, What annoys me about this one, is the simple fact that the debt is all put on Obama, as if he created the debt and everything was running so smoothly before he was VOTED in by the people of America. I may have not explained myself as I was ranting about facebook, anyways..lets get into it.. Obama didn’t create the debt, it is a FACT that Reagan and Bush’s increased the debt every single year for 20 years, that can’t be an accident. But where are the posts about this? There are none, it’s all Obama’s fault, he created the deficit, this was my point, and I do apologize for not explaining my point more clearly.. btw, the money he spends now is to help the country in the long run, healthcare for example, American’s may not get to the point of universal health care, but making it so all americans get treated and looked after without going into debt themselves, does take money..and like I said, I’m not into politics, I leave that upto Mike who is an Economic and Social Studies teacher..anyways, don’t mean to offend anyone, just ranting about facebook!

** The pics of how bad ass you are.. really, you’re not so badass, if you have to post a pic or a saying of how bad ass you are, that is a sure sign you’re really not, so get over yourself, no one cares that you think you are tough, you just look like a douche, and the one’s where you will shoot the dude who takes your daughter out… YOUR DAUGHTER IS 2, no one is gonna take her out, no guy is gonna try to date her, so you don’t need to act all tough to guys who are also 2..maybe rethink this when your daughter is 16,, but then you think you are bad ass, so she will probably be a prostitot by the time she is 13 anyways.

** The Religious posts and pics… I hate to break this to you, but I doubt Jesus reads facebook, so stop posting things saying he is reading this, because he isn’t, even if he did exist, he wouldn’t waste his time on facebook, he’d be more of a Twitter’er/ Tweeter, that’s where all the famous people go anyways.

** When someone famous dies or writes songs when their heart is broken..when something like this happens, it is a social media fact that the news papers and tabloids will talk about this endlessly, it’s what sells, it’s a simple fact, so stop posting shit about how everyone forgets the Real Hero’s, the men and women in the military, it is true they are more of a hero and deserve recognition, it is also true, they don’t sell newspapers, and tabloids, and I’m pretty sure their families don’t want their death smeared all over them anyways, so it annoys me that people feel it’s their responsibility to post pics and status’s about Whitney Houston dying and everyone else talking about it and not about the men and woman dying for their country, If you feel this strongly about it, then do something in your community to pay tribute and recognize those who died for your country other then bitch about it on facebook.

** When false stories gets spread.. either it being about a virus or a child getting beaten to death,, check to see if this is a real story before posting it and having other people share it, because 9/10 times, it will be fake, and a simple google will tell you it is indeed fake, so check before you post, it will take a few min of your time and prevent you from looking like a bad ass douche.

There are probably more, but those are the main ones and with FB being all open now where you have to read everyone’s posts unless you go through them all and unsubscribe to everyone, it’s gonna be there, in your face.  

End of Rant

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February 22, 2012

Actually, your facts on Obama are very wrong. He’s added dramatically to the debt. The only president I can think of who posted a surplus of the debt was Clinton. If you’re going to bash us americans for hating a president that has tossed our country down the toilet, at least do your research first. I actually happen to love Canada and it’s people. Don’t ruin that for me.

Ha! This rant is a lot of the reason why I deleted my facebook account. That and all my family was on my friends list, so I couldn’t post anything like, “Everytime you start talking some idiot opens his mouth.” I’d never hear the end of it, they’d all be telling me it was rude, unchristian, or begging for gossip about who it was about or asking what they said to make me think that! Ugh.

February 22, 2012

ha, ok, i love your rant. i agree with virtually all of it. yay, someone else who has some sense! 🙂

February 22, 2012

i absolutely LOVE Obama and think hes doing a great job! Of course he could do better, but I dont imagine the presidents job is an easy one. I friggin agree with EVERY SINGLE POINT You make!!! I deleted all those bastards lol

February 22, 2012

yep, that’s about all the pet peeves i see on my own fb on a regular basis :-p

February 22, 2012

OMG! I LOVE YOU! If you were a guy I’d blow you! The Jesus one almost made me pee my pants! Seriously, if you ever get a sex change, hit me up. Oh, and the person you offended is obviously a redneck, just look at his diary name. LOL!

February 29, 2012

That’s the problem with the growth of social networking, everyone thinks their opinion is worth gold. I’ve added a few people in the past who have given me the same hassle, just delete them. After all, it’s not like you REALLY know them.

March 7, 2012

Yeah, it’s pretty damn pathetic how everyone quickly forgot how Bush destroyed America and blames Obama for the results that he had to deal with when he went into Presidency, but Bush fans will be with him till death, so arguing about it with them is pointless. At least us liberals, we question our President, and when we do, guess what? The man knows how to speak and not sound like a moron.

March 7, 2012

The other ones cracked me the F up! Hahaha! Hilarious! Facebook is ego land. And yes, Dee’s status are hilarious too.