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November 20, 2012

Mount Rushmore? I have one for you…He who makes it-sells it. He who buys it-gives it away. He who uses it-never see’s it. What is it?

November 20, 2012

The Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow?

November 20, 2012

To TM’s riddle, that one can be googled verbatim 🙂

November 20, 2012

A motel close to the White House when Bill Clinton was President?

November 20, 2012

Redwood Valley, California.

November 20, 2012

ryn: Ya know…I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of this but…there’s this place called the supermarket. You might even have one near you. They sell these things called Turkey Breasts! You can even get them when it’s not a holiday! ;P

November 21, 2012

ryn: Yeah, I thought of that but it amounts to less than a half of a 1 percent raise. That just seems like an insult! LOL!