my ups and downs.

weight: 147.0

I hate me. I am exactly where i started. the thing is, i tend to binge eat. i go into these unconscious rages and start looking for something…anything to satisfy my hunger. I hate that i have no resistance. and thats what it is. i just eat way too much every day. and every day i wake up and say today will be different, but of course, it never is. its never any different. what is wrong with me? i don’t drink, i don’ t do drugs.  i just eat, and i eat a lot. and even if i excercise off 1500 calories it doesn’t do a thing. sometimes i wonder what i’m doing wrong. other times, i just want to give up. and i’m always 15 lbs away from being gorgeous. i hate me. 15 lbs thats all it would take. grr.


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Sweet Baby don’t hate yourself! I’m in the process of trying to lose 40 lbs but as I jog my big butt around the neighborhood everyday I chant in my head “I’m goregous and sexy and men love me”!!!!

it sounds like we are the same person, im always hungry, im always eating, and i cant drop these 15 damn pounds. have you tried log whatever food you eat every day. it helps me realize how my eating adds up. You also get to log your activities, (sitting at my desk at work burns a surprising amount)so, i just started but its giving me good perspective. GOOD LUCK YOU CAN DO IT

March 14, 2008

I relate… I keep losing and gaining the same three pounds. I am always going to do better in the morning and never do. Show me food and I will eat it. Maybe it is a will power thing. But then you’d think that because we feel so bad after doing it that we would stop… I guess that is only in a perfect world. I hope you are able to get rid of those 15…

March 22, 2008

awwwwe dont give up. reading your diary made me start going to the gym. KEEP IT UP!!!!! *hugs*

*random noter* Eating can be a bad habit. When I get depressed I tend to overeat just to make myself feel good. As for your recent plate, you may have to change your exercise routine. Possibly add in more cardio things such as biking and doing it 3-4times a week. Also, try to just not eat something that you normally eat and isn’t important to your daily diet (like ice cream or such)

March 29, 2008

15 pounds is so close….don’t give up…but I do understand the binge eating.