what a great sky
What a great sky
I was supposed to go to Mt. Jiri with people from Mountains & longing on the weekend but I could not help canceling due to my night shift closed by 9:00 A.M. after getting home, I could not stand staying without doing anything at home. Around 14:00 I packed to go out. For the time being I dreamed to go Mt. Jiri to see sun rise and sea of cloud over Mt. since 1988 I had been to Jiri with friends from school. At that I did not know how could I enjoy trekking and see natural scenery.
It was an hour away from home I took cool water and a break. On resuming for hill, it rained a couple of drop but I kept going up. When getting the peak I was fascinated at what a great sky. There were dark and white cloud covered sky. Like genesis in bible sun ray penetrated thick cloud to light world. I had to take out camera in backpack and shoot a lot of time to take what I looked forward for long time. I was happy to see what a great and beautiful opportunity in my photography life. Maybe gods help me see and enjoy that moment since I could not go.
Oh! Breathtaking photos! Thank you.
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It is indeed a great sky.
Thanks so much for your good wishes. And I hope to read one of your entries again soon.
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BEAUTIFUL pictures!
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