Toastmaster 40th Meeting
Toastmaster 40th Meeting
It rained hard like basket. Over the whole week it damaged and destroyed road and bridges on the nationwide. I was sorrow for people in difficulty.
It has been almost 6 months since I did not show up and get involved in T.M. whenever I got to T.M, several things happened and got me nerved not to join in. at any rate this time I was willing to go and be moved a lot. Frankly public speaking is not easy and even speaking in Korean my mother tongue before people somewhat gets me much nerve and lost which direction I drive to turn.
Before getting to T.M again, I was much nerved how I could present what I had my mind and answer what people asked. As I used to, I am poor at speaking before people. I had heart break experience which I came across in 2004. It was a kind of test for dispatching liaison officer between two organizations in Korea and Malaysia. At first I was deeply interested in applying and working at different atmosphere. Frankly I did not prepare and study presentation on what I planed and learned before interviewee. After that I forgot keeping learning and practicing with people. One day Chris Kim introduced communication skill we had to learn.
Hello! Nice to hear from you, my friend. ryn: The son walking me into the church was NOT the groom, that was his brother. The groom was the shorter of my two sons, the one with dark hair. I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. How did your TM experience go? Did you give a speech? I’m like you; I am very nervous if I have to speak in front of a large group. Take care and visit again soon.
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Hello! I didn’t think your diary was active anymore. Nice to hear from you. Thank you for your kind thoughts for Pat.
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