This week’s American Idol

I may be late by posting this just now, since this week’s 2 episodes of American Idol aired 3 days ago. But I still can’t get over one thing: Sanjaya Malakar’s hair!

What was he thinking?! I mean, look at that!! As soon as he started singing on stage, I was almost cringing. It was just…ridiculous. I was afraid for him and I can’t help thinking what the rest of the millions of people watching is also thinking as he was singing with THAT hair.

He said he wanted a Mohawk, so the obedient hairdresser gave him one. Now, what was the hairdresser thinking?! He could have had some mercy or something to make Sanjaya look a lot less ridiculous than he did. The hairdresser was the first one to see his finished product on Sanjaya, and I wonder what he was thinking, if he was laughing at the back of his mind and anticipating what the rest of the world will think moments later when it will be unveiled. Maybe the hairdresser already have Sanjaya’s hair headlines running through his head.

Sanjaya has already been quite the underdog in American Idol. Obviously he’s really not a great singer, not in the level of his fellow contestants. Every week he seems to be the one everyone’s expecting to be voted out. After his shocking hair style and a not so impressive performance of No Doubt’s "Bathwater," I was almost sure that he’ll be the one to go the day after. But the other curly-haired guy, Chris Sligh was the one to go even though I honestly think he’s a whole lot better singer than Sanjaya. A lot of people are rooting for Sanjaya, mostly little girls, teenages ones and grandmothers, I think. Some say it’s because he has charisma that makes him lovable, or something like that. I can quite see that but I don’t really understand it. I think it has something to do with his hair issues and the fact that he admitted that he can hula and actually did one on screen. I was also cringing in that hula moment of his. American Idol is supposed to be a singing competition, but lately it’s not about that anymore.

Not that I’m totally against Sanjaya or American Idol being not about the singing anymore; I actually find it fun that things kind of turn out that way. And so far, it has been quite about the Sanjaya hair. I’m all for the entertainment anyway. Speaking of entertainment, Will Ferrell claimed that he wants Sanjaya’s hair. This shows that Sanjaya’s ridiculous Mohawk thing really generated a lot of attention, just as much as the number of his hair strands flowering up above his head.

Just for the record though, we all know that there were 7 uprooted ponytails consisting Sanjaya’s Mohawk, which he claimed 7 is for good luck. Looks like it worked.

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