Result of a boring and dull day(s)

Answering random surveys for now since I have nothing much to blog about these days.
Hope everyone’s having a blessed Holy Week. Happy Easter tomorrow!

MOST Random Questions Ever, BE HONESTmore...
Where were you 1 hour ago?
– in the car, driving

How close does your nearest friend live?
– around 8 miles

When was the last time you went to the mall?
– Does being outside count? We went to a mall last week but when we got there, it was already closed. Didn’t know the mall here closes that early.

Are you wearing socks right now?
– Nope

When was the last time you went out of town?
– If going out of town means going to a different city, even if it’s just nearby, then about an hour ago.

Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
– Nope, I’ve been stuck at home most of this week. But I’ve watched some DVDs and downloaded movies.

What was the last thing you had to drink?
– Water with crushed ice

Describe what you’re wearing right now.
– Yellow shirt with a print that says "Not that Innocent" with a drawing of what looks like a queen, and jeans

What was your last purchase?
– Food from the supermarket

Last food you ate?
– Chicken, one grilled and the other fried

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
– I actually can’t remember!

Have you purchased any clothing in the last week?
– Clothing? No.

Do you have a pet?
– Back in the Philippines, yes. Right now, no, since pets are not allowed in this apartment. 🙁

What is your favorite class?
– Computer class. hehe

If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
– at home in Bacolod, Philippines

What is the last thing you purchased online?
– Clinical Laboratory Science Review book

How old are your parents?
– Mama is 49 and Tatay is 53

What’s your favorite soup?
– Crab chowder

Do you miss anyone?
– Yes, Flip, my friends, my relatives back home, my old life.

What was the last play you saw?
– I can’t remember. I’m sure it was ages ago!

What were/are your plans for the day?
– Study, have my regular weekend chat over the net with Flip, surf the net, read blogs, watch TV and my downloaded movies, slack off (I’m trying to not over do this, or not do at all!)

Who is the last person you messaged on friendster?
– Alstair, it was a testimonal, greeting him a belated happy birthday. 🙂 Better late than never! (but never late is better!!)

Ever gone to camp?
– Yes, the last one I had was years ago.

– No, I’m as pale as paper. 🙁

How old do you want to be when you have kids?
– 27 until my early 30’s

Do you collect anything?
– Chuck Taylors?! I realized it just now. I have 2 so far and I’m always wanting to buy a different color, looking it up over the net and obsessing about different colors.hehe

Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
– Yes, the regular ones on each of my earlobe. I’m planning to add an ear piercing when I get home to the Philippines this May, without letting my parents know because I’m sure they would disagree! But I’m almost 22!! I’m doing it. Harharhar!!!

Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
– Sure, most of the time.

How do you like your soda?
– Can I have an iced tea or juice instead? 🙂

Do you like hot sauce?
– Oh yeah. I like ’em spicy, salty and hot!!!

Last time you took a shower?
– Last night

Do you like penguins?
– Yes, they’re so cute, especially the way they walk. It’s also fun to immitate. hehe

What is your mood?
– Bored and sick of being bored, homesick, ugh

Are you someone’s best friend?
– Yes. 🙂

What’s the last TV show you watched?
– replay of Grey’s Anatomy last night

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April 7, 2007

That was cute…