A Survey for now

Got this from Friendster’s Bulletin, posted by my former college classmate, Rap. Haven’t done one of these in a while.

Well, I don’t have a school bag anymore since I’m already out of school. =) So my everyday-bag na lang:
1. wallet
2. coin purse
3. cellphone
4. comb
5. handkerchief
6. hand sanitizer
7. tissue

Name 3 things you do when you’re really stressed:
1. surf the net (even when I’m not stressed!)
2. watch a movie
3. blog

Name 5 favorite fruits:
1. mango
2. banana
3. papaya
4. grapes
5. apple

What are you thinking about right now?
I need to eat breakfast!

Where is your phone?
On the bedside table, charging.

Where do you sleep?
On the bed, in my parents’ bedroom.

Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing now?
From my mother’s friend

What was the last thing you ate?
Bingo orange cookie sandwich 😉

What kind of cellphone service do you have?
Smart. I want to get a Globe SIM.

What is the closest item near you that is white?
The table this laptop is on.

What is the last movie you watched?
Liar Liar last night on HBO. I’ve watched that movie a lot of times already. Wala lang talaga magawa last night. =)

When did you last feel a tree with your bare hands?
What?! Is this a trick question, pervert minded freak?!?! hehe

Eleven odd facts about yourself:

1. Are you photo addict?
Not really. But I love to take pictures and always bring a camera with me everywhere.

2. What were you doing this morning at 8am?
Waking up.

3. Do you care for your Friendster?
Yes, I log in to it almost everyday. But I’m more on Multiply now.

4. How many different beverages have you drank since yesterday?
Two. Water and Coke.

5. What are three things you hate?
Copycats, insecure/jealous people, people who make a scene in public

6. What do you wish for?
Haayy, I have a lot of wishes. hehe Money and good health, not just for me and my family but for everyone as well, especially the poor and the sick people on public hospitals, on the streets and the ones I see on TV.

7. When was the last time you got really hurt?
As in physically? Can’t remember. Emotionally, recently.

8. Any plans for tonight?
Be my homebuddy self, probably watch a downloaded movie.

9. Something you are excited about?
My first salary next week, my online orders, Flip coming here by the end of the month, my parents’ arrival on November! Haayyy, so many..!!

10 . What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Rocky road.

11 . Describe your keychains?
A blinking solar powered keychain with my name on it, from my parents.
1. Do you know anyone in prison?

2. If so, who?
Si Erap. hehe! But of course I don’t know him personally. Thank Heavens for that! Even though he’s on house arrest or something, it’s still prison, right?
Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie also. But they already got out. Darn!

3. Party girl/boy or Home girl/boy?
Home girl. But I love to party once in a while.

4. Have you ever gotten naked at a party?!
Nope, fortunately.

5. Name someone you miss.
Can I have 3? My parents, of course and Flipper!

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