These dreams…

These dreams go on when I close my eyes
Every second of the night I live another life
These dreams that sleep when it’s cold outside


More dreams this morning!  I dont’ know that I remember all of it well but I’ll give it a try.

I’m at some kind of a fair or street festival or something.  The people I’m with keeps changing though.  In the first part, I’m with Ang, HL, my ex-boyfriend J and a guy who in my dream was my boyfriend who looked like Cas’s ex Dustin.  Actually, in the begining I was with everyone but my boyfriend.  He was with Jack and Smiles.  All of us meet up and I show him that I got a fake henna tattoo on my arm.  It’s a heart with his name in it.  (UGH!  What the hell was I thinking in my dream?  I would never do that in real life).  By the way, his name was Arjun in my dream.  He showed me that he got one too but once looking at the tattoo on his arm, I see that they spelled my name wrong.  So he wants to get it fixed.  We go to the booth that is doing the tattoos and they tell him that they can re-do it, but they need to see his receipt from the first one.  He’s all annoyed because he took the receipt back up to his apartment which just happens to be next to where this fair is being held.  Smiles goes with him to go get the receipt.  I’m waiting for him and really annoyed because I don’t understand why it’s taking so long for them to get back.  Plus, for some reason I’m already really pissed with him in the dream.  He’s being standoffish and not really hanging out with me but with everyone else we’re with.  He finally gets back with the receipt, but we decide it’s time to leave and go eat.  All of a sudden, we realize we’re at the Botanical Gardens in Athens and we need to take a bus to get back to campus.  But the bus lets us off at a stop that’s still far away from campus.  The city streets wer’re walking through are more like a big city like NYC instead of Athens.  I over hear a HL and J talking and HL says something about remembering the first guy who had a crush on him.  I don’t think anything of it because I know HL isn’t gay and in my dream I remember him telling me a story about this guy who had a crush on him but HL told him he wasn’t gay.  This never happened in real life.  A lot of people thought HL was gay when we were in college and he never cared and he always said he was flattered when gay guys thought he was good looking.  Anyway, we’re walking down the street and Arjun is nowhere near me and I’m pissed off that he’s being so distant.  But I’m trying to make the best of it and I’m talking to HL and Ben who wasn’t in the earlier part of the dream but happened to be there then.  When we’re about to cross the road, I see someone walking towards us and she looks really familiar.  It ends up beign our friend Shannon.  She comes over and gives me a hug and I tell her that I had heard from my mom that she was in town.  She says she’s in a hurry because she’s gotta catch a plane back to Cali and she tells me she’ll talk to me soon.  Ben asks me who she is and I’m surprised he didn’t recognize her.  She didn’t look that different from when we hung out with her in college.  And I tell Ben that it’s Shannon.  And he’s like "out Shannon?" and I tell him yes and he looks surprised.

That’s it.  End of dream.  The way my "boyfriend" in the dream was acting is how J used ot act so I see where that came from.  Not sure why I dreamed about Smiles or why I was annoyed that she went with him.  Smiles in great and in real life I would never think she’s "trying to take my man", especially since she’s married to a wonderful guy herself.  The rest of the people in the dream were all college people.  Maybe I"m feeling nostalgic AGAIN.  The fact that the guys name was Arjun??!?!?!  That would take a few entries to explain.

veggio, I blame this all on you!!  You started writing about your dreams on your diary and all of a sudden I start remembering all of mine.  And they aren’t even that interesting. 🙂

Not much else to write about.  I think I’m going to go watch Lady in the Water.  I know it got awful reviews but that just tells me that I’m going to love it even more.  I LOVED The Village and I got the deeper meaning behind it.  I’m sure this is the same way.

Have a good Sunday!

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July 23, 2006

I didn’t like The Village. In fact, the only M. Night Shyamalan movie I’ve ever really enjoyed was Signs. The Sixth Sense was just okay for me and Unbreakable was almost unbearable to watch.

July 23, 2006

i liked The Village, too. i’m glad to see i’m not the only one 😛 other than that, i hated Signs, Unbreakable was Unwatchable, and the Sixth Sense was really clever. not sure how i feel about Lady in the Water. Bryce Dallas Howard is fantastic though. when i saw your entry title on my favorites i totally started singing the song you have in your box! hehe. take care,