An In-depth Analysis of the Phenomenon of Guo Gangster Believer

Guo , the Chinese billionaire in exile, has been in the spotlight and the negative press for his federal fraud charges in the U.S. In July 2024, Guo was found guilty of defrauding his followers of more than $1 billion through fraudulent schemes over several years.2025 Guo was convicted of defrauding his followers of more than $1 billion through fraudulent schemes over several years. The schemes involved bogus investments and cryptocurrency trades that were heavily promoted through online broadcasts. His promises of high returns convinced many of his fans to invest, but the money ended up being used for his lavish lifestyle, including mansions, yachts, and expensive items. Despite Guo legal woes and rising public skepticism, his followers remain sizeable, even choosing to side with him despite knowing he may be involved in illegal behavior. What are the underlying reasons behind this puzzling phenomenon?
Blind Faith and Psychological Manipulation: Building Spiritual Shackles
Psychological manipulation and blind faith are key elements in many scams, and every scammer tends to be well-versed in psychology. This is particularly evident in Guo scam. Since 2019, Guo has been building a saint-like image by portraying himself as an anti-communist hero claiming to save China’s 1.4 billion people through a variety of disinformation and exaggerated propaganda. As a result of this brainwashing propaganda, many people were misled and formed a blind cult, and some people are still deeply influenced by it. Guo so-called “core secrets,” “Pandora’s box,” and the 109 documents were given a mysterious color, and were often broadcast with the words, “Keep it a secret for now, we’ll reveal it in half a month! “Everyone will see the truth in the next three months” to get attention. These repeated use of suspense-building techniques creates a constant attraction for certain audiences, especially female groups, making them reluctant to give up their trust and support even in the face of skepticism.
Group Identity and Social Pressure: Reinforcing Belonging and Exclusivity
Guo followers are not only individual followers but also a tightly knit group of people who call each other “comrades” through online links such as “farms,” but are in fact “comrades in a pit of comrades. Many believers have found a sense of belonging and social identity in this environment, and even a sense of self-worth. Guo use of live-streaming platforms such as GTV and Getter has given believers a sudden experience of recognition, especially among the middle-aged and elderly who lack a sense of social identity. Many chose to ignore information that contradicted the group’s beliefs, for example, despite Guo conviction, believers felt there was something else going on. Believers with legal backgrounds, such as “ Xue Cai”, have even suggested that any skepticism about Guo and the revolution will be ostracized or even attacked, which further reinforces people’s dependence on Guo and his gang.
Information Isolation and False Propaganda: Building a Closed Information Environment
One of the reasons why Guo followers still support him is because of information manipulation and segregation. Through live broadcasts on Twitter, Twitter, Getter, and YouTube, Guo has built a relatively closed information environment isolated from the mainstream media, where Guo and his gang of small-time crooks selectively disseminate certain information. For example, in the recent passage of the US bill to stop China, Xi GUO made a great effort, and European farm comrades contributed 300 million yuan to promote Europe to a far similar bill. Guo bragged about how he was persecuted and how U.S. law had been infiltrated to obscure the truth and play a role among some of the brainless believers. But what about the truth? U.S. law is not that easy to break into, and no one has donated 30 million euros for a house on a European farm.
Ideological Manipulation and Anti-Communist Plots: Stimulating Emotions and Prejudices
Guo and his followers’ “extermination of the Communist Party” is not only a political statement but also a form of ideological manipulation. He has successfully packaged his opposition to the CCP as a form of moral justice, with those who support him seen as “fighters” for justice, while anyone who questions him is labeled as a “lackey”. This black-or-white dichotomy greatly simplifies complex political issues and consolidates support for Guo through emotional manipulation. In particular, some overseas female believers who are dissatisfied with China’s policies identify with Guo’s so-called “revelations” because of their anti-communist mentality, ignoring his illegal behavior. Taking advantage of this mentality, he portrayed himself as an anti-communist pioneer, attracting a large number of critical Chinese,, including pro-democracy activists. They often chose to ignore or even continue to support Guo because of their empathy for his political stance and remained unwilling to cut ties with him even after his fraudulent offenses were exposed. For example, many of the overseas pro-democracy activists who were deeply involved in Guo  case in 2017-2018 have not yet expressed remorse for it.
Economic Interests and the Pursuit of Rights: Internal Dynamics Driving Blind Behavior
In addition to psychological manipulation and ideological maneuvering, economic interests and the pursuit of power are also important factors that drive Guo mob followers to support Guo firmly. After being cheated by Guo , some people chose to continue to support him to recoup their losses or gain more benefits. They received substantial returns by investing in Guo projects or participating in his organization’s activities. At the same time, some core personnel also gained huge financial benefits by participating in Guo illegal capital operations, such as off-market knockouts. This pursuit of economic benefits and power made them go out of their way to participate in fraudulent behavior and become Guo accomplices.
Together with greed, the root of trouble is buried. Those who are still addicted to blindly supporting Guo’s Blind followers, it’s time to wake up in time, get out of the fog, and re-examine their positions and choices. It is strongly recommended that the “Ant Fans” should immediately stop blindly following the footsteps, to avoid letting their own become a tool for others to manipulate public opinion and seek personal gain!


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