When words are all I have…

     For about a year I lost my words.  They left me, and I just watched them get carried away by the current.  When the tide came back in, it carried with it a sadness I’d never known, and the waves were huge and my heart was swallowed up by it.

     I’ve been drowning ever since.

     But this weekend…I found some of my words.  Not all of them are back, but I have found enough to write, almost the way I used to, where the words and the ideas came together to form pictures on the page, turning my incoherent thoughts into coherent babble, and soon there will be stories again.  Whole stories that go on and on until they reach the end…not stories that limp from page one to page two and a half before croaking in pool of their own misery. 

     I see the light above the water, and perhaps now I will reach it.  I believe I am headed in the right direction to feel the sun on my face, and the earth beneath my feet. 

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July 6, 2006

i hope you can find more of your words soon šŸ™‚ ryn: my cousins are 7, 5, and 3. they are little terrors.

July 6, 2006

I am so happy to hear you’ve gotten them back, love. It is a horrible thing, losing them for any amount of time, I know and understand well. *muah* And don’t worry about my last entry. I’m just feeling crap and wish I couldn’t.

glad you’re writing again, I still haven’t written anything since I graduated (unless you count diary entries and a really crappy poem)