When the sun came up, we were sleeping in…

     It’s one a.m. so I’m keeping this one short.  I got a job at only my favorite restaurant in Roanoke!  *dances* So I start waiting tables tomorrow!  That’s why I’m not asleep.  Nerves are making me fidgety and unable to fall asleep. 

     Today we got our spring break cups from school which always include moist towelettes and condoms.  Yay durex!  Not that I’ll be needing it anytime in the near future… but these things always both rock my soul and make me giggle like a fifth grader in her first Family Life class.  Thanks Health Services.  You are fantastic!

General Mood: pathetically optimistic

Song of the moment: "Cupid’s Chokehold" Gym Class Heroes

Wishing I could: Cuddle something

I wanna be: At the beach, warm or cold weather I DON’T CARE

Missing: Everyone in Richmond and the Boy in Ireland who hasn’t been very talkative this week…I wish my stomach didn’t churn this way when that happened.  I’m so much more mature than this…right?

Dream Ratio: About half and half these days…nightmares to pleasant dreams

About to: Sleep…I HOPE

what’s that list all about?  how should I know….it’s one a.m. and my brain stopped working properly an hour ago :-*

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