
     Wow…and another short entry because I’m tired and that makes me useless…

     Tonights adventure included me, claire, suz-A-palooza, and sunny, my car, and a video camera.  the rest…as they say, is hostory.  We’ve fallen into an almost obsession with videotaping…claire’s camera is more fun than anything should be haha.  So we went, we taped, we sang and interviewed, and we most certainly harassed people endlessly.  Of all that video we took there is probably 5 good minutes…if that…but we will push forward…next taping will be the Gangsta Get-Down party this friday.  

     Wish us, the budding youths of home movie-making, a little luck…because even though we find most of this shit funny…you had to be there moments abound.

     I’m sleepy.  Goodnight.  :-*

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cameras can be fun