Rubber Snakes and Kiddie Lit

I have been at this for hours now.  There are birds chattering
away outside my window.  I haven’t slept much lately and it’s
really wearing away at me.  I hate that I’ve let myself get so
bogged down with all this work that I can’t even get a simpled
assignment done in a timely fashion.  It was even freaking
extended for goodness sakes!  Is it strange that the only thing I
want right now is to go home and sleep for 48 hours?  I’m brimming
over with stress and craziness(not the good kind) and my eyes have dark
circles under them. 
     I should be finishing up my paper right now
but I just had to comment on this current event.  I mean I -never-
see 5a.m. and I’m pretty sure I’ll watch the sun rise.  There’s
something I haven’t done since last year with Cassie and Eric, and that
was one of the strangest, but coolest, nights ever.  Funny how
late 3 a.m. seems.  But birds don’t sing at 3, they sing at
5…which is what time it is now…relatively…you know.
     A simple but oddly cool thing…I finally
turned in a vampire piece to my AdvCW class and it didn’t get
spurned.  They generally liked it in fact.  ANd prior to
class even starting I was telling homeslice Sian that I don’t sleep
anymore (a fact I’m proving right now) and cute grad student boy says,
“That’s because you’re a vampire”  When I laughed and asked if he
was mocking me he said “no, I’m engaging myself in your story.” 
Which made me laugh a lot.  He’s my current favorite piece of eye
candy with a bit of humor thrown in somehow.
     It would be nice to meet a guy I could really
get to like though.  Guess I need to get out more.  Who
knows.  Maybe a job would help.  I think it would.  I’m
going to try and skip Human Bio today…to freakin tired…maybe I’ll
nap through it.  Either way I’m screwed all to bits when it comes
to sleeping tonight.  I stayed up this late on three sodas, two
oreos, a snack pack of popcorn, and the company of my 600 visitors
tonight…wtf?  I never get visitors, but suddenly my room is
action central!
     Well so much for writing a real entry…I’m
exhausted with it now…and I still have at least two pages of a paper
to write yet. 

Pax vobiscum

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April 21, 2005

hey, all-nighters are good for you. or something…. don’t die! *hug* 🙂

heh-i haven’t been sleeping either. I ALWAYS see 5 am, but there the birds sing between 6 and 7. Oh, and here, it snowed…which I prolly should write about but im lazy. good they liked your story:) hehe, have fun getting to know the boy, he may be more than eye candy. ryn: Thanks:) yeah, he doesn’t think I’ll have to wait two weeks even, and he doubts we’ll break up, so that’s good. just needs

We’ll see how it goes. it’s possible we’ll break up, but not likely, and he said if we did he still wants me in his life. he told me that if he had another gf he’d tell her about me, and not make me see her, and if she didnt like it she could peace. so, yeah, we’ll see.
