Noise and Kisses

Today’s moral is…don’t be an ass.

     I’m registering for classes on tuesday I think it is, and sadly I believe I may be on campus for J-term.  I just honestly have no clue what I’d do for an independant study.  I’m not sure I’d trust myself to write even a novella, though I’m sure it’s possible, and I really just want to challenge myself.  Gah I don’t know…whatever.  Literature is rolling along quite nicely btw.

     I’m going to the gym regularly now.  Fuck this not being healthy nonsense.  I’m sick of it, and everyone’s right- it’s my own damn fault.  I never really blamed anyone else, it’s just…I didn’t care.  But I’m realizing just how unhealthy I’m living right now.  I drink(actually that’s past tense now) two or three sodas a day.  Yuck!  I’m trying to cut myself off, and so far I’m drinking maybe one a day so that’s pretty good.  I never realized how good going to the gym could make me feel!  It’s empowering.  My friends are all shocked.

     I still need to post some literature here, I think I’ll hop to it in another week or so.  I had this great demon/vampire story all planned out special for OD, and then I left it at home, and when I got it I couldn’t remember what I wanted to do with it.  Bleeding Twilight will not be re-posted.  It was just some fun I was having that made me angry, but I might post something to do with the Damlyn(1/3 vampire, human, elf) a little bit later.

     On the election I will only say this.  I’m very sorry that things turned out as they did.  But Hillary better run in 2008!!!!

    I can’t believe it’s thursday.  I’m really just at a loss.  Weeks are flying by and I feel like I’m staring down a cliff washing the ocean waters rush up to meet me.  There is no time to move, only to brace myself and wait for impact.  Time to start swimming *blows kisses*

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good luck with your stuff:)

November 5, 2004

Yes Hilary is the SHIT!!!!! Just like my snookums!!!! *The Fabulous Little Trick