Love me, love me, say that you love me

 I’m listening to music from Lilo and Stitch!  Yay!

Okay…now for an update on my weekend…
I went to University of Mary Washington to chill with Tigran(of my
highschool days) because they had a Cultural Festival going on and he
was going to dance–it rocked SO MUCH–and because I needed to get away
from Hollins and so something normal-ish.  I spend too much time
being bogged down by my own eccentricities, I swear. 
Anywhoo…needless to say I met a ton of cool people…no really…a
TON and we partied at this aparment until 5 a.m.  Good
times?  You bet.  I’m not usually the type to go to parties
unless I know some of the people attending, so bully for me.  My
anti social behavior is slowly bending to my will…I swear!
In addition, I played a bunch of new drinking games.  Maybe that’s
not excitnig to those of you who’ve -been- playing them….but I was
amped.  Easily amused?  You betcha!  And that’s how I
like it.
Of course…I only got 5 hours of sleep, and left at like noon after a
killer hangover/headache and a trip to IHOP.  I could only eat one
piece of French toast.  Failure much?  Yes’m…but its all
good. ^_^

In other more current news…I made it to the gym today.  I didn’t
stay long…I’m a tad bit sickly, but I made it, and I’m making myself
go tomorrow and stuff.  In addition, Cassie and I have arranged to
be morning walking buddies three days a week.  Exciting?  Uh
huh.  I hate my body…and as one person in particular is always
telling me “If you hate your body so much, do something about
it.”  Well look here…I’m going to do something about it.  I
just can’t go on hating myself anymore…its no fun…and it gets the
better of me more often than not.

Okay, well now I must go and read some stuff for Children’s Lit…the
excitement never stops…then bed time for this tired Cheshire Kitten.
*blows kisses*

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April 4, 2005

Aww Pudding is pretty face! *cuddles you* Now that I have thee in my clutches…*clutch clutch* Boys are silly, and then some are dumb, and some are bitches. They are like a rainbow of creepy diversity. Where did that come from? Not a clue but at least it made the note longer… Loves thee! Cookie

sounds fun. I haven’t gotten to get out and part much. yeah I’m coming up short, and the undergrad catalogue says theres no exception to the 122 credit to graduate rule (evne though I’m done with everything), so I’m going to see if Ican do two minors.