It sounds like monkeys or something…

So what am I doing right now?  Chillin until Chandlee comes to
tell us it’s Pina Collada time.  Huzzah! 
     Well folks, tonight was the Senior-Sophomore
banquet and I rolled over there with Mimi, and Heather.  We had so
much fun.  The food was great-a huge surprise from Aramark. 
There were so many people there, and we usurped a whole table in
Botetourt and just…I dunno it was nice.  I’m sad to think that
in a few weeks(3 i think) the seniors will leave forever, and my fellow
rising juniors will be going their seperate ways either abroad this
semester or next.  I won’t see half my friends for a whole year,
and even though Ireland will be absolutely amazing, I can’t deny I am
somewhat sad.
     I’ve got an apartment when I return, rooming
with Ciana and Amanda-the one I’ll actually be sharing a room with, and
I don’t know who else.  There might be complications with that or
so I’ve come to hear.  We’ll see.
     I’m going home in two weeks.  It’s weird
because I’m leaving behind the worst semester ever.  My grades
aren’t up to par, my life isn’t up to par, and I don’t sleep
anymore.  I have to go home and get a job asap if I want to be
able to afford Ireland. 
     I thought writing about it owuld relieve
stress, but it’s just making things worse.  I’m going to go read
for a while.

mad love

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April 29, 2005

i lurv you and toni and i cant wait to see you…im glad your night was better than mine…dean is mad at me…stupid stuff too…well ttyl…lylas

April 30, 2005

I love you boo, and will miss you immensely!!!! Everything will work out, I’m sure of it. You’re brilliant, and amazing. Ireland watch out!!!