Goals of a 21st Century Bum Writer

 This year we have goals…or delayed resolutions, take your pick! (these are in no particular variety)
 1. Stay on top of my Lit homework
 2. Keep getting free back rubs from Cookie
 3. Listen to more music variety
 5. Meet new people
 6. Write five pages a week until this summer, when it will be four a day
 7. Give more hugs
 8. Smash the souls of injustice cuz Cookie said so
 9. Do more cuddling.
10. Read books in a wider variety, including 2-3 classics I’ve never read.  Maybe Brahm Stoker? ~_^
 11. Expand my knowledge of pop culture and current events (these don’t actually go together, but I’m too lazy to seperate)
 12. Work out more!!!! (I’ve been so bad lately :-[)
 13. Keep in touch with everyone better
 14. Gather addresses and SEND POSTCARDS FROM IRELAND (if you want one, e-mail me your mailing address.)
 15. Spend at least 2 whole weeks at the beach. (Tan biotch!)
 16. Complete Alpha, and promise myself not to pick up anymore
fanfiction projects until I have free time in abundance (aka when I’m a
 17.  Take over the world
 18. Do my own laundry for a change haha (jk about this…its not my fault my Mom takes the initiative first heehee)
19 & 20- nothing to go here really yet, but I felt I should round out the list to a multiple of ten.  Sexy, yes?

You may not care, but this is my game plan for the next several months.  We’ll see how I do, ne?

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that’s a lot of stuff:) good luck. ryn: thanks:) good luck on yours. I had a story started that was pacing like it would turn into a novel, but we’ll see. I barely write except for class too, but I always have a class to write something creative for, so I guess it works.